Hillary Clinton has a reputation for not caring about serious issues all while having a laugh at our expense. Now we can see that in Donald Trump’s New campaign ad.
When Hillary is asked questions about really any topic, a lot of the time she laughs is off. A now infamous interview, which is partially shown in the ad, had her laughing at the questions about her email scandal. As if they didn’t even matter to her at all. Of course they should matter, but she’s too pompous and arrogant to even think that she’s in any kind of real danger. Well guess what Hillary, you are, and Trump is here to us all that you are nothing more than a shrewd liar and criminal and that your lies are no laughing matter! Here’s Trump’s new ad.
BOOM! Hillary, you’re finished! With all the publicity of other happenings around the world and domestically recently, let’s not forget the opposition this coming election and remember that their front runner should be behind bars!
(Source: Instagram)