It seems that the litany of leftists infesting Hollywood just can’t contain themselves anymore. While the propaganda emanating from the entertainment industry has always been a problem, they’ve always at least pretended to be none the wiser to it.
But all of that’s changed since the emergence of Trump, as they’ve ripped off their masks and shamelessly outed themselves as the radical leftists we all knew they were. Every chance they get, celebrities are trying to earn social cred by trashing Trump, hoping their crazy fans will eat up the tweets and soundbites. But rather than rely on their film personas and Twitter feeds, actors are taking action next week, as many of them are planning a counter program to Trump’s first State of the Union speech.
As reported at the Hill, a long list of Hollywood celebrities, including the radical and outspoken Mark Ruffalo, will host their own counter-event called the “People’s State of the Union.” An ironic name coming from millionaires who play make believe for a living and remove themselves from any semblance of being like “the people.”
The event will be held before Trump’s set to go live on Monday, January 30.
Ruffalo, who’s been one of the president’s most fierce Hollywood critics, told People magazine that the alternative event will be “a better reflection of our state of the union based on a more populist point of view, based on the people’s point of view.” A more populist point of view? Does this guy know how and why Trump won the election?
“I think it’s important because we have a president who has a difficult time with the truth, who has a radical, divisive agenda, and spends an enormous amount of time focusing on the negative and hopelessness and despair,” the Oscar-nominated actor said.
Other clowns like the grotesque Michael Moore and Whoopi Goldberg will be in attendance. The event itself will take place in New York City (talk about a representing the common man) and also be live-streamed.
Ruffalo has called the “People’s State of the Union” a “celebration of the power and the beauty of this movement, but also of our accomplishments and to focus on what’s to come in the immediate future.”
Hopefully what’s to come is your relegation to the SyFy channel, Mark. These self-important celebrities have made it next to impossible to enjoy films these days, as every person that walks on screen has likely trashed conservatives and/or Trump in the public forum. It’s becoming very hard to look past that garbage these days, as it just sucks the life out a film or music knowing that the person or people involved think you’re a worthless, bigoted human being.
The silver lining is the fact that Hollywood is struggling financially, as folks are finding media alternatives and also sick and tired of the never-ending stream of propaganda. So keep it up, Mark, as you and your comrades’ antics will just accelerate the demise of Hollywood.
Source: Hill