Donald Trump is the most scrutinized president in modern American history. No one has been attacked and vilified like he has, as every action he takes is automatically interpreted in the worst possible light, and he’s never been given the benefit of the doubt.
From day one, it has been the Left’s mission to get him impeached, and with the power of the media behind them, they’ve spread enough anti-Trump propaganda that the Soviet Union would be proud. Despite their monumental efforts, Trump is still going strong in the White House and still enjoys significant support. This has caused at least one prominent leftist and critic to finally give the president some much-deserved credit.
As reported at the Daily Mail, in a surprising op-ed for the paper, anti-Trumper Piers Morgan has reflected on the Trump presidency and admitted that despite all the things folks hate about him, there’s one thing no one can deny–that he keeps his promises.
While Morgan points out that the promises Trump has made and kept are things that leftists hate, the reality is that he was elected based upon those pledges, and thus, been given the opportunity by the people of America to keep them.
In the article, Morgan pointed towards 3 recent examples to bolster his point.
He writes, “First, Candidate Trump repeatedly vowed to ‘wipe the hell out of ISIS. Now, within a year, the Islamist terror group that gained so much ground and support during Barack Obama’s tenure – he dismissed them as a “J.V. team” – has been routed from Syria and Iraq.”
Credit is given to Trump here because the experts say this success is down to the president authorizing his military commanders, led by Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis, to do what they needed to do without getting tied up in swarms of red tape that the bureaucrats in Washington wrap around everything.
Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for Iraq’s Ministry of Defense, echoed this sentiment: “I was not optimistic when Trump first came to office,’ he said, ‘but after a while, I started to see a new approach. I saw how the coalition forces were all moving faster to help the Iraq side more than before. There seemed to be a lot of support, under Obama we did not get this.”
Piers then highlighted another example. “Second, the President has enjoyed similar success on the domestic economic front. At every campaign rally, Candidate Trump promised to preside over economic growth, gets jobs going again, and stock markets roaring.”
The evidence of this is undeniable. Unemployment is at a 17-year low, hiring is strong, GDP has expanded 3.3 percent in the third quarter, and the stock market keeps breaking records.
The final recent example Piers noted was Trump’s campaign promise to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which was announced to be in progress last week.
One can think what they want about the various promises, but the reason we elect politicians in the first place is based on what they say they’ll do once in office. It’s hard to remember any politician that’s stuck to their promises like Trump, which for his supporters, is proof they voted correctly. All we can ask for as voters are that politicians do what they say they’ll do. In the case of Trump, he’s doing exactly what he claimed he would, despite the deluge of hate and attacks.
Source: Daily Mail