There are a lot of controversial issues in America, but few come close to matching abortion. It’s a highly sensitive issue that is still nowhere near settled, as both sides of the aisle have refused to budge, taken strong stances against the other.
For leftists, unrestricted abortion is the dream, as is their desire to keep the practice deregulated so health and safety inspectors can’t come walking through the door of clinics. Conservatives simply want an end to the practice, or at least a limit on how late in the pregnancy the procedure can be done for any reason. While the topic has been relegated to the back-burner since Trump became president, on Friday, the president will make a historical address to the pro-life movement.
As reported at the Sun, President Trump will address the March For Life via satellite from the White House Rose Garden on Friday afternoon, making him the first president to do so in 45 years.
“The President is committed to protecting the life of the unborn, and he is excited to be part of this historic event,” Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, told reporters on Wednesday.
To see just how vehemently the Left wants to keep abortion completely unrestricted, just read the news coverage about the march. The media masterfully uses language like “anti-choice,” “restricting access,” and “anti-abortion,” which naturally make it sound like that side is in the wrong and trying to take away rights. On the other hand, leftists are taking rights away when they point the State’s gun at doctors’ heads and demand they perform the procedure or else.
The organizers of the march have praised the president for his support in cutting government funding for groups that provide abortion. On top of going after funding, the president has also promised to appoint judges that support overturning Roe vs. Wade.
Last year, the march was held right after inauguration, so Trump sent his very pro-life VP Mike Pence to speak to the participants. But this year, the president and Speaker House Paul Ryan will address the march, now in its 45th year. While back in the day, Trump described himself as very pro-choice, as a Republican candidate for the presidency in 2016, he said his position had “evolved,” describing himself as “pro-life with exceptions,” such as in cases of rape or incest.
The president has described his ultimate goal being to overturn Roe vs. Wade, then leaving the decision on how to police abortion up to the states. Needless to say, the fight to make that happen will be fiercer than any he’s faced yet, as abortion isn’t an issue the Left will ever concede an inch on. But it’s still great news for conservatives that Trump is firmly on their side and willing to take on the enormous abortion lobby.
Source: Sun