Trump’s highly-rated State of the Union speech has brought with it lots of left-wing propaganda and a deluge of examples of their rampant hypocrisy and double standards. After spending the last 2 years slandering Trump and conservatives, the same folks have turned around and pearl-clutched over an innocuous comment made by a conservative commentator about the clown that gave the liberal response speech to President Trump.
The party dedicated to the “little guy” thought it was wise to trot out an elite and member of the biggest political dynasty in America, Joe Kennedy III, to counter Trump. Needless to say, his rebuttal was a trainwreck, and it was rightfully mocked by those on the Right. However, one person “went too far” in her criticisms and has since apologized, something a leftist would never do over such a nothing-burger comment.
As reported in the Daily Mail, conservative pundit Tomi Lahren has apologized after insulting Democratic Representative Joe Kennedy III on Twitter, calling him a “little limp d**k” and a “nasty little ginger.”
Lahren took to Instagram after watching Kennedy’s response to President Donald Trump‘s State Of The Union’s address.
Before launching into her own rebuttal rant, Lauren posted a video of her watching Kennedy’s speech with the caption: “Cannot wait to shred this little ginger nerd.”
“Just listen to this little nasty ginger”‘ she says in the video. “No no no no no.”
In a later video, Lahren went on the attack saying: “If you haven’t yet had the displeasure of watching that little limp d**k’s response to President Trump’s State Of The Union, I suggest you take some Pepto-Bismol or some Midol or whatever you need to do to get through it, because it was pathetic and it was embarrassing. Oh my God“
Lahren’s comments sparked plenty of backlash on Twitter, but the most limp-wristed response comes from Kassy Dillon, the founder of a platform for Conservative college students, who bluntly said: “Tomi Lahren is not a good representative for conservatism.”
Lahren eventually apologized on Twitter, calling her own remarks ‘inappropriate’.
“My comments on my personal Instagram about Kennedy’s response were inappropriate and I take full responsibility for that,” she wrote. “I got too upset. I sincerely apologize.”
Playing into the concern-trolling hands of the Left is the worst possible thing conservatives can do. The leftists wringing their hands over her comment and telling her to “open her heart,” you’d have to be a fool take any of that seriously.
These are the same people, who for decades, have trashed conservatives, equated us with the evilest villains the world has ever known. Called us bigots, racists, sexists, backward rednecks, and openly discriminated against us via government fiat and in the public square.
They have no right to tell anyone to “be nice,” nor do they deserve for anyone to undeservedly be nice to them they’re actively trying to undermine the United States and openly trying to destroy every vestige of traditional America.
So the most absurd of all responses to Lauren’s comments are Dilllion’s, a supposed conservative, who seems very willing to play by the rules the Left sets, rules they don’t abide by themselves.
The notion that “you’re no different than your enemy if you behave in any way like they do” is a belief put forward by people too scared or apathetic to fight back. America’s soul is at stake here, hurling a few deserved insults at a celebrity politician and serial liar is hardly worth apologizing over.
If conservatives can’t even throw a few insults at leftists without feeling bad and apologizing, there’s not a single thing in this country that’s going to be “conserved.” Because it’s going to take a lot more spine to prevent the fundamental transformation of this country, which, by the way, is already well underway.
Source: Daily Mail