Our once honorable and capable British allies are more concerned with the antics of their symbolic monarchy than they are with being a legitimate and respectable nation these days. Since Trump took office, pearl futures have been off the charts, as the Brits have been clutching at them incessantly, as they “Just can’t even!” when it comes to President Donald Trump.
Trump’s “mean” tweets and comments concerning immigration and the like just trigger the Brits, as they can’t believe that the US is no longer marching towards civilizational suicide with them, as the US is actually trying to stem the flow of the third world across its borders, which is the evilest thing that can be done these days. While the Brits despise Trump, he’s living rent free in their heads, as he’s the cause for Obama’s lack of an invite to the upcoming royal wedding.
As reported at the Daily Mail, the impending royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was branded a “diplomatic time bomb” if Barack Obama was invited, but not Donald Trump, so our president won’t be attending.
Prince Harry, who considers Obama a friend, won’t ask him to attend his nuptials at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, on May 19.
“President Trump will not be invited because the wedding will be for friends and family only,” a source has said. “It won’t be a state occasion. If Mr. Obama was invited, the invitation could look like a snub to Mr. Trump, and His Royal Highness would not wish to cause a diplomatic row.”
British politicians have been slandering Trump since the campaign, as they find his stance on immigration and America first policy an affront to their “ideals.”
Trump was scheduled to visit Britain next month to unveil the new £750 million US embassy, but he suddenly canceled the trip, with many speculating it was due to all the calls by British politicians to not let him visit and general trash talk that’s been emanating from their government.
When Harry was a guest editor on Radio 4’s Today show last month, he was asked if he would be inviting Obama, who agreed to be interviewed for the program. “I don’t know about that,” he replied.
“We haven’t put the invites or the guest list together yet, so who knows whether he’s going to be invited or not? I wouldn’t want to ruin that surprise.”
The princess to be, Meghan Markle, has trashed Trump in the past, branding him a misogynist and divisive, so there’s no question she wouldn’t be okay with him attending, even if there was a possibility.
Needless to say, nothing of value was lost. The royal family is clung to these days precisely because it’s the last vestige of the once great British nation. It’s a symbol of what once was, and what will never come again, so long as nation-wrecking leftists are firmly in control of every lever of power–which isn’t likely to change barring a miracle.
Source: Daily Mail