[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/men-should-not-be-allowed-to-use-womens-bathrooms-do-you-agree”]
Mexico Is ALREADY Using Trump’s Border Wall…Just Not Where You Think! OMG!
Did you know about this? If you did, then kudos, you’re smarter than every single Liberal against the border wall. Donald Trump’s plan to fortify the southern border with Mexico is a brilliant idea. One that would help our country drastically and would allow us to have a better controlled way for immigrants to come […]
EXPOSED: Obama Tells Iran To HIDE Its Missile Tests From America! IMPEACH HIM IMMEDIATELY!
Ummmmm. I have no words. Actually I have many words and am not that surprised. As Obama made his deal with Iran, the rest of the country, yours truly included, collectively said, “WTF?!” Well Obama thinks that getting in bed with a country that wants us all dead is a good idea, apparently. Who knows […]
Muslim Mayor Of London Calls Trump Ignorant. Trump FIRES BACK HARD!
WOW! This is an EPIC response to someone who has ties to terrorism. Last week we reported that Sadiq Kahn has ties to terrorist organizations as well as radical Islamic leaders and has attended radical Islamic rallies all over the world. Kahn, since then, has been in a war of words with Trump over his […]
One Woman Used To HATE Trump…Now She Wants Him In The White House! What She Said…OMG!
This might be the strangest bit of news you hear all day. Donald Trump’s plan to put a stop to Muslim immigration in the U.S. until a system is in place where we could properly vet not only them, but all immigrants attempting to enter the U.S., is no secret. It’s be a linchpin of […]
Facebook In BIG Trouble With Congress After Report Leaks Anti-Conservative Bias! Is This The END?
The other day we broke a story in the conservative realm about a post on tech blog Gizmodo which exposed Facebook having a largely liberal bias, specifically when it came to their “trending topics” new feed. After we shared this news, the rest of the internet sort of blew up, especially in the Conservative sphere. […]
They Told This Teacher To Tell The Truth About Islam…And That’s EXACTLY WHAT SHE DID. OMG!
Here’s how you know you’ve spoken your mind in the correct way: you piss off Liberals for speaking the truth. It’s a widely known fact that Islamic prophet Mohammad was written about in scripture about having multiple wives including a 9-year old wife who he molested. This is a fact that Muslims won’t deny as […]
Russia Has Had ENOUGH, Unleashes HELL On ISIS. They’re Not Coming Back From This!
FINALLY we get a bit of good news in the fight against ISIS. No thanks to Obama, that’s for sure. According to reports, ISIS is in a state of disarray and emergency. U.S. and Russian forces are bearing down and attacking ISIS in their stronghold city of Raqqa in northern Syria. For those of you […]
Muslims Sue Cafe Owner Over Discrimination. They Didn’t Expect What Happened Next! OMG!
Another case of special snowflakes trying to take advantage of living in America. But this time justice was served! The Muslim community living in the United States has no other ulterior motive, it seems, than to make life just miserable for everyone around them. Lawsuits claiming discrimination and Islamophobia are becoming cultural norms in this […]
24 Hours After London Elected Its First Muslim Mayor, One DISGUSTING Fact Came Out! I KNEW IT!
In the Left’s continued war against individuality, something has just become apparently clear that might warrant discussion about how sane the left is in the first place. As we now know, London, England had recently elected a new mayor. The mayor’s name is Sadiq Khan. He’s a member of Parliment for the Labour Party. He […]