If there’s one type of person in this country you don’t want to mess with, it’s a Marine. Marine’s are highly trained in the art of combat. Whether that be weapons or hand to hand, they are masters of their craft. We showed you what I’m talking about when some Mixed Martial Arts UFC fighters […]
BlackLivesMatter Activists Who Lied About Being Attacked Are FINALLY In Court! The Verdict…OMG!
Chalk up a victory for normalcy and a loss for racism and hatred. As we reported last week, students in New York state cried wolf saying that they were assaulted and accosted by 10-12 white people while on a bus, saying it was a racially charged attack. Then the videos came out and showed them […]
Muslim Refugees Shout “Allah Akbar” While BUSTING OPEN A Border Fence. What The Cops Did Next…OMG!
Here’s more proof as to why we need to shut our borders. On the border of Macedonia and Greece there is a fence to keep out unwanted immigrants. It’s pretty flimsy and it’s detailed in this video. What you’re about to see is convincing proof that Middle Eastern immigrants will stop at nothing to get into […]
Gang Of Muslim Refugees Attack Trucker But Don’t Expect To Get 18 Wheels Of INSTANT JUSTICE
Welcome to 2017, where the only truth you’ll see is from firsthand accounts on YouTube, because the mainstream media’s narrative is not only fake, but it’s damaging to the world. This Hungarian trucker took it upon himself to capture on video the reality of what it’s like having his, and other trucks, get terrorized by young Islamic refugees […]
That Time An Arizona Sheriff SLAMMED Obama On Gun Control TO HIS FACE And Left Him Speechless
Last year in a town hall setting in which the subject was gun control, then-President Barack Obama took questions from the audience. He wasn’t ready for what happened next. Sheriff Paul Babeu asked president Obama, “What would your executive actions have solved?” This was in relation to mass shootings under the Obama administration’s time in […]
Bill O’Reilly Response To Obama’s Anti-Gun Propaganda? We Can’t Stop CHEERING!
Bill O’Reilly had a strangely heartfelt moment yesterday, after the tragic events in Oregon, where nearly a dozen people lost their lives at the hands of a crazed gunman on a community college campus. Like clockwork, Obama took to his podium to politicize the event, saying that it was much too easy for this person […]
If Barack Obama Was On Trial For Treason, Would You Find Him Guilty?
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/if-barack-obama-was-on-trial-for-treason-would-you-find-him-guilty”]
Hillary Just Got KNOCKED OUT By Judge Jeanine Pirro! This Is The LAST STRAW!
Of all her opening statements, this might be Judge Jeanine’s best ever. We’re huge fans of Judge Jeanine Pirro here at YIR. Her truth, wisdom, and outspoken nature while simultaneously not taking any crap from anyone on the Liberals side of things is unmatched in the TV world, except for a select few (Hannity, O’Reilly). […]
This Picture Is Going Viral And Hillary Wants It GONE! She Is PISSED! HAHA!
For all the pictures we’ve been showing you recently, this one might take the cake as the most rage inducing. But for Hillary only. HAHA! She is quite famous for not only being a huge liar, but for also saying anything humanly imaginable to get votes. One of the best examples of this was when […]
FBI Interviewing Clinton Aides About Email Server. Hillary Is CONFIRMED To Be NEXT!
This could be what we’ve been waiting for all along! Hillary Clinton has been dodging questions and giving half answers about her email scandale for months now. Every time we report on this topic, readers get annoyed, we get annoyed, and the American people get annoyed. Why? Because we get news about it just about […]