Did you know about this? If you did, then kudos, you’re smarter than every single Liberal against the border wall. Donald Trump’s plan to fortify the southern border with Mexico is a brilliant idea. One that would help our country drastically and would allow us to have a better controlled way for immigrants to come […]
border wall
Obama Admits That Trump Is RIGHT About…I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!
This is probably the biggest bit or irony you’ll ever read in your entire life. No, that’s not a joke. Donald Trump has been absolutely thrown under the bus by every Liberal under the sun for his border wall plan. It’s even reached president Obama show called the border wall foolish and ill conceived. We […]
New Report CONFIRMS That Obama LIED About Border Security!
Don’t listen to Obama. He’s a flat out liar. This is why Trump wants to strengthen our borders. This right here. According to a report from Judicial Watch, we have confirmation that the Mexican drug cartels are attempting to work with ISIS to smuggle ISIS terrorists across the border and into the U.S. to carry […]
Trump’s Border Wall Just Got 10 Times Stronger! I Didn’t See THIS Coming!
Need more proof that Trump’s immigration policy is the one that America needs? Here’s exactly what you need to here. We all know by now, unless you’ve been living under a rock and don’t have the internet or TV, that Donald Trump’s border policy is to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, have […]
They Told This Black Trump Supporter “Trump Is FINISHED!” What He Said Next…OMG!
Oh man. This one is going to royally piss off the Liberals. And I love it. We continually hear that Trump’s border wall and illegal immigration reform, wouldn’t do anything to help the American people. How about we talk to a person that’s supporting Trump that you wouldn’t believe given what we’ve heard on the […]
Obama Took A Swing At Trump’s Border Wall, But Knocked HIMSELF Out Instead! HA HA!
Obama is working hard to distance himself from the Republican candidates and Democratic candidates, even though the public has long since turned against him and moved on to bigger and better things. However, he’s been trying to condemn the proposals of one Donald Trump, namely the building of the border wall with Mexico, calling the […]
One Country Took Trump’s Advice And CLOSED Its Borders. What Happened Next…OMG!
When you get the argument that closing borders and having proper controls for incoming immigrants doesn’t work, show whomever said that this article and laugh in their face for being completely wrong. Germany is a country that we’re all looking at when it comes to immigration. After the crisis and subsequent mass exodus from the […]
MUST-SEE: Trump’s Right Hand Man Just Shut Down EVERY Trump Hater! He’s FIRED UP!
It seems as though Trump is already surrounding himself with incredibly smart people. Here’s one of them. Trump has been bashed by nearly everyone, except the voters who matter most, about his immigration plan and building of a wall. Now we have a bit more clarity as to what that actually entails and what Trump’s […]