Here’s how you know you’ve spoken your mind in the correct way: you piss off Liberals for speaking the truth.
It’s a widely known fact that Islamic prophet Mohammad was written about in scripture about having multiple wives including a 9-year old wife who he molested.
This is a fact that Muslims won’t deny as it’s written about in the Koran and detailed in multiple historical references.
A teacher told her students this fact and is now apparently under criminal investigation.
A middle school teacher allegedly referred to Mohammed as child molester in front of her pupils. The prosecution was informed; the provincial education department now awaits the investigation.
A Bregenzer [Austria] teacher is said to have described the founder of Islam as a child molester in front of her students. “Yes, there is this allegation against a teacher,” the provincial educational counsellor Bernadette Mennel confirms the corresponding complaint. The education department had immediately forwarded the case to the prosecutor.
They check whether the allegations are true. Due to the ongoing investigation, no further information on the case is currently available through the state school board. If the allegations were true, the teacher would have to face consequences. “Such statements are unacceptable,” stressed Mennel to VOL.AT. However, they would await the outcome of the prosecution, before making decisions.
Here’s the kicker on this story, Mohammed is written about in scripture about have a 3rd wife by the name of Aisha bint Abu Bakr. They were married when she was 6 years old. The marriage was consummated, according to Islamic texts, when she was 9. By DEFINITION, that’s a child molester.
And this is where the Liberal mindset is. They turn a blind eye to the true teachings of Islam. This particular point, by the way, is still prevalant in Muslim society and multiple wives is not uncommon.
Tell me again how Muslims and Muslim teachings would work well in our society?
(Source: Gateway Pundit)