He’s already started with the left wing nonsense. Stephen Colbert made fun of conservatives for years on The Colbert Report and now what he’s doing is making conservatives even more furious. Given his new position as the host of the Late Show on CBS, Colbert now has an even larger audience to pander to. And […]
Glenn Beck Could Go To Jail For Saving Christians From ISIS. He Needs Our Support!
Glenn Beck may go to jail and here’s why. Glenn recently published the fact that he’s actively working with ex-CIA operatives to vet Christians in Syria to “smuggle” into the US, and he doesn’t care if his actions land him in federal prison. Glenn writes, Stop asking for permission! Stop thinking we need permission. … […]
This Muslim Man Goes NUCLEAR On Woman For Doing WHAT?! INSANE!
Seeing muslims at their true form makes me happy. Peaceful and tolerant aren’t two words I’d associate with any muslim. The thing with muslims is, they think they’re all unique little snowflakes and everyone should cater to their beliefs and every movement. Well guess what, we’re not here to just kow tow to that. And […]