Donald Trump is a man of many, many words – and many of those being less than accommodating words for his opponents. Can you tell who he’s talking about in this quiz? It’ll be harder than you think!
4 Secrets To Donald Trump’s Billion Dollar Success
While many are attacking Donald Trump for his politics, let’s not forget that he’s a seriously accomplished billionaire businessman. To make it in the cutthroat world of real estate, you have to have your wits about you and be able to know what you want and how to get it. Thankfully, Trump isn’t shy about […]
Delusional Obama On A 3rd Term As President: “If I Ran, I Could Win”
Obama has been nothing but trouble since day one. We’ve increased spending via the unsustainable and bloated Obamacare, poverty has skyrocketed, and we’ve made economic deals with countries that want us and our allies wiped off the face of the planet. But Obama thinks that he’s doing a great job. In a speech in Ethiopia, […]
7 Epic Movies That Will Renew Your Faith In God
The Lord may work in mysterious ways, but these seven movies definitely hit the mark. Here’s our list of seven epic movies that every Christian needs to see. You can click on each movie to view them online or order a DVD or Blu-Ray of your own. I strongly suggest watching all of them with […]
When This Car Dealership Beat Up A Trump Piñata, His Fans Fought Back HARD
Donald Trump, whether you like him or not, is a divisive character in the Republican party as of late. His hard lined stances on immigration are what got him to his level of popularity, but not everyone is pleased. The Los Angeles car dealership Nissan of Van Nuys made a commercial featuring two employees, one […]
BREAKING: Chilling New Photos Of George W. Bush And Dick Cheney During The 9/11 Attacks.
We all know that day – the day that changed everything for our country. Now we get to see how the leaders of the country responded to the horrendous attacks in more than 350 pictures on the National Archives Flickr page. It’s a somber reminder of just how much of a blow the country took […]
Obama Told These Marines To Stand Down After The Chattanooga Shooting. They Had Other Plans.
Every time I hear about our service men and women doing something to protect their brothers and sisters, I’m never more impressed and proud of those that fight to protect our country. However, the Obama administration doesn’t seem to think so, as an order from the Pentagon told armed civilians, may of them being marines […]
Crazy Socialist Bernie Sanders Wants A $15 Minimum Wage. Here’s What He ACTUALLY Pays His Employees.
When it comes to do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Bernie Sanders, every time he speaks he moves the crazy needle over one peg. Bernie, for the longest time, has advocated for a $15 minimum wage that will apparently take people out of poverty by making their employment more expensive, forcing businesses to cut hours and increase costs. He clearly […]
This Is The One Horrible Fact About Caitlyn Jenner Liberals Want You To Forget
Before Caitlyn Jenner was inspiring countless liberals to tweet how inspired they were, she was known as a modestly wealthy Olympian named Bruce, who was responsible for a rather large car crash, where a 69-year-old Kim Howe lost her life. Liberals always seem to glaze over the fact that this inspiring figure was texting and driving […]
This TV Host Ripped Islam To Shreds. Now Watch Her EPIC Obama Take Down!
Tomi Lauren is a rarity – she’s a young conservative. She also comes from a household of Marines and had some choice words – on her news show On Point with Tomi Lauren – for radical Islam in the wake the the Chattanooga massacre that killed several US Marines at the hands of a crazed Muslim terrorist. […]