Here in America, Hollywood is largely liberal. It’s a known fact. However there are many celebrities that aren’t just conservatives, they vote Republican when it counts! To name a few, you have Don King, Ben Stein, Gloria Estefan, and Pat Sajak all leaning to the right. But there are some MEGA stars that vote for […]
Why Did Obama Just Leak Military Plans To ISIS?
In truly horrifying news, the Obama administration and the Pentagon have leaked vital battle plans and time frames to the liberal media because apparently Obama doesn’t understand that the internet is also accessible to our enemies. Some government officials are outraged at this news, with good reason. As always, Fox News – joined by Arkansas […]
When This Pastor Is Asked About Liberal Churches, He Lays Down The LAW.
Pastor Robert Jeffress had some harsh words for so called liberal churches he’s accusing of harboring illegal immigrants on a recent Fox & Friend segment. He went on to debate the status of illegal immigrants and their place within the church. He said that these churches are providing sanctuary to illegals who are criminals! These […]
Before Retiring, This Brave Army General Had Some TOUGH Words For The Obama Administration
Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno has served 39 years for our country. God bless him! He is set to retire soon and gave Fox News an exclusive interview. Check out the video below as he paints a picture of President Obama that will make you want him out of office even sooner. Odierno consulted […]
Geraldo Rivera Goes NUCLEAR On Mike Huckabee For Defending Israel
Recently, Mike Huckabee got himself into a little bit of hot water. When speaking about the new Iran Nuclear Deal president Obama brokered with the Iranians, Huckabee said that he opposed it and that it would “Take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.” That is some strong language. So strong […]
Can You Tell Who Donald Trump Is Insulting Now? Take The Quiz And Find Out!
Donald Trump is a man of many, many words – and many of those being less than accommodating words for his opponents. Can you tell who he’s talking about in this quiz? It’ll be harder than you think!
4 Secrets To Donald Trump’s Billion Dollar Success
While many are attacking Donald Trump for his politics, let’s not forget that he’s a seriously accomplished billionaire businessman. To make it in the cutthroat world of real estate, you have to have your wits about you and be able to know what you want and how to get it. Thankfully, Trump isn’t shy about […]
Delusional Obama On A 3rd Term As President: “If I Ran, I Could Win”
Obama has been nothing but trouble since day one. We’ve increased spending via the unsustainable and bloated Obamacare, poverty has skyrocketed, and we’ve made economic deals with countries that want us and our allies wiped off the face of the planet. But Obama thinks that he’s doing a great job. In a speech in Ethiopia, […]
Ann Coulter Gives Great Reasons Why Trump Can Win The Presidency
Ann Coulter was recently interviewed by DC based radio station WMAL on why she thinks Donald Trump Could win the presidential election. Those are some seriously strong words this early in the race, especially with the Republican party nomination up for grabs with so many viable candidates in the running. Hear her whole 36 minute interview […]
This Chattanooga Marine Has A STRONG Message For Obama. Wow!
Since the Chattanooga shooting, many people have been up in arms as to how the situation has been handled. No more than this veteran seen in the video below. He has a strong message for the Obama administration. He wrote a letter, but decided to make a video and it’s going viral all over the country. […]