If there’s one type of person in this country you don’t want to mess with, it’s a Marine. Marine’s are highly trained in the art of combat. Whether that be weapons or hand to hand, they are masters of their craft. We showed you what I’m talking about when some Mixed Martial Arts UFC fighters […]
This Incredible Photo Represents Everything That’s Great About America
Sometimes, you see something and it just hits you and you have to share it with the world. This is one of those times. With all the negativity going on in the world today, it’s difficult to spot the good. It’s difficult to spot the inspiring. And most of all, it’s difficult to find those […]
Donald Trump Thinks Our Troops Need More Support. Do You Agree?
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/donald-trump-thinks-our-troops-need-more-support-do-you-agree”]
Muslims Demanded That The Troops “Dress More Muslim”, Their Response…HELL NO
People, there is a difference between equality and conformity. The blind acceptance of Muslim customs into our own society is conformity when it’s not needed at all. That’s not equality in any way shape or form. It is our own culture refusing to put forward our own customs. If we do that, we’re called racists. […]
They Asked The Troops Who They’re Voting For. Their Answer…OMG! YES!!!
When you think of who you’d want in office, do you ever think about other forms of government and how they would mesh with those branches? You should because it’s an incredibly important aspect when it comes down to it in November of an election year. You have the executive branch, of course, that the […]
MUST-SEE: Marine DESTROYS Hillary In The Most EPIC Way Possible! OMG!
According to a poll taken last year by Rasmussen Reports, Hillary seems to not have many supporters within our own military ranks. This begs the question: how can someone run the military, let alone the country, effectively if the majority of the people we’re talking about hate them? This is the conundrum we’re all wondering […]
MUST-SEE: One Soldier’s HILARIOUS Reaction When Airdropped Humvee Parachutes FAIL! HA HA!
Oh man this is insane! These soldiers are getting a HUGE kick out of watching these HMMWVs getting dropped out of military planes. But they’re not cheering them being dropped. They’re cheering them coming loose from their rigging and slamming into the ground. This was from the U.S. Army’s Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Germany. […]
Obama Just Changed Military Uniforms To Look More Muslim!
You’ve got to be kidding me… In another turn of the bowing to Sharia law and Muslim feelings nationwide, a 175 year old American military institution is set to change their entire rule set for a single Muslims student. South Carolina based military school “The Citadel” is considering a change to its hugely strict uniform […]
Will Donald Trump Make Our Military Great Again? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/will-donald-trump-make-our-military-great-again”]
They Asked A Veteran “Why Do You Support Trump?” His Answer Had Me In TEARS!
Our servicemen and women are, and should be, the people most highly revered in our society because they’re the ones willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us can live our lives as freely as possible. That’s why they deserve our respect and support, and no political candidate does that better than […]