Apparently Iran is engaging U.S. ships in the Straight of Hormuz on a daily basis. So much so, in fact, that when they meet, the Iranian ships are taking pictures of them every single time. And they say this is for intelligence purposes. Yea, I believe that. Nope, wait, no I don’t. It’s Iran […]
Trump Just DESTROYED Every Other Republican With 8 Simple Words. TRUTH!
Another Trump rally, another barrage of insults and truth. Trump is tackling the highest in our government and the Iran deal, saying that it was “incompetently negotiated.” I couldn’t agree more with that statement as the Iran deal is a bunch of garbage in exchange for Iran oil reserves and also dealing with a nation […]
REPORT: Obama Is Actively Helping Iran With Their Plan To “Annihilate America”
Hey, Obama, are you paying attention yet? This is who you’re dealing with in Iran. Recently, and Iranian senior military official has said that Iran will “set fire” to any and all U.S. interests in the middle east. To make matter worse, he also said that they welcome war with America. Great. Thanks for making […]
EXPOSED: Obama Tells Iran To HIDE Its Missile Tests From America! IMPEACH HIM IMMEDIATELY!
Ummmmm. I have no words. Actually I have many words and am not that surprised. As Obama made his deal with Iran, the rest of the country, yours truly included, collectively said, “WTF?!” Well Obama thinks that getting in bed with a country that wants us all dead is a good idea, apparently. Who knows […]
NO RESPECT: Iran Calls America Their “Greatest Enemy”, Obama BENDS OVER. OMG!
Want more proof that Barack Obama is a weak president and has more enemies than friends? Look no further than what Iran just said. Obama got all buddy buddy with Iran as he brokered a deal with the crack pot nation that hates our guts. What Obama was trying to accomplish was to keep Iran […]
This Oil Pipeline Could Save America’s Economy And Obama’s Doing WHAT?!
Obama’s deal with the devil would usher in a new oil revolution. Iranian oil may flood the global markets, including the U.S. However, the dependence on foreign oil might never come to a close. And though we have many natural oil resources and companies have been able to extract them recently with advances in drilling […]
Iran Launched Missiles Headed For WHERE?! Obama Has BLOOD On His HANDS! IMPEACH NOW!
Barack Obama has opened Pandora’s box and it looks like what’s inside was Iranian ballistic missiles. Since the Iran deal lifted sanctions on the backwards, crack-pot, Muslim nation of Iran, the Iranian government has seen fit to essentially piss off the entire world because they want everyone dead except those that live in their country. […]
WE TOLD YOU SO: Iran Does One HORRIBLE Thing In Front Of Obama’s Face, He’s SPEECHLESS!
Iran is an evil country and this pretty much proves it. As Obama made a deal with the devil, Iranian heads crossed their fingers behind their backs. Gillible and naive Obama thought that making this deal would be beneficial to the relationship Iran has with the rest of the world. Not so, and quite honestly […]
Three Americans Were KIDNAPPED By Islamists, Obama Responded By Doing…
How did no one even think to go get these guys? I mean come on! Last month, the liberal media kept very quite on the subject of 3 Americans being kidnapped in Iraq. Now, they’ve finally been released, but we really don’t know why they were kidnapped in the first place. According to Reuters, some […]
Obama Spit In EVERY Soldier’s Face With What He Just Did! IMPEACH NOW!
Here’s more undeniable proof that Obama couldn’t care less how our troops are treated in any aspect of their lives. When Iran captures U.S. sailors recently, Obama did nothing as usual and Iran let them go. Turns out there was much more than meets the eye to this story, and much more than the liberal […]