Liberal media, you suck. Why can’t you just report the fact as they stand instead of hiding the truth? ABC News is notoriously liberal. I knew this. You knew this. We all knew this. But what I didn’t believe was just how liberal. In an attempt to make Hillary Clinton look stronger than she actually […]
Watch Trump DESTROY Everyone In Last Night’s Debate. This Is EPIC!
During last night’s GOP debate, many candidates took steps forward and many took steps back. *cough JEB BUSH cough* Donald Trump however, slayed yet again and this time with many more people coming out against him. Even when he couldn’t defend himself! I speak, of course, about the under card debate in which Trump wasn’t […]
Here’s How Many Radical Muslims Obama Let Into America As “Vetted Refugees.” Are You Sitting Down?
As if you needed another reason to like Trump and his immigration stance, we’re going to give you another one. Breitbart has done something really excellent. It’s analyzed public, government data showing who exactly immigrated into our country in 2013. Why would this be important? Given the recent heightened scrutiny of immigration on the whole […]
Obama Will Give $100 Billion To Other Countries As An Apology For Global Warming
Here’s another on you can chalk up to liberal paranoia. Global warming is the essence of liberal, non-fact, psuedo science that they push on the minds of the weak to further their agenda. Well guess what?! It’s gone too far. So much so that now 3rd world countries are now demanding, VIA the U.N. green […]
Liberals Are Letting This Suspected Terrorist Build A Sharia Law School In The US
It seems as though wealthy Muslims can now buy their own laws in our country. According to ABC news, an extremely wealthy Muslim man has made a considerable donation of $10-million to Yale university to establish a sharia law school. Of course their chalking it up to the university being interested in Islamic law, history, […]
Wanna Watch The Live Republican Debate Tonight? See It Here For Free!
Donald Trump will take center stage, figuratively not literally, tonight as the second GOP debate commences. This one promises to be better than the first as many opponents, especially Sen. Rand Paul, have promised to take it up a notch or two against Trump. To watch it live at 8PM Eastern, click here ‘I want […]
Here’s How Stephen Colbert Insulted Every Conservative On The Late Show
He’s already started with the left wing nonsense. Stephen Colbert made fun of conservatives for years on The Colbert Report and now what he’s doing is making conservatives even more furious. Given his new position as the host of the Late Show on CBS, Colbert now has an even larger audience to pander to. And […]
Iran Is Getting Ready For War And Obama Is SILENT! This Needs To End!
Apparently Iran is engaging U.S. ships in the Straight of Hormuz on a daily basis. So much so, in fact, that when they meet, the Iranian ships are taking pictures of them every single time. And they say this is for intelligence purposes. Yea, I believe that. Nope, wait, no I don’t. It’s Iran […]
EXPOSED: Here’s Why Liberals Don’t Report On ISIS. This Is INSANE!
This is something we cannot have happening at the highest level of intelligence agencies in this country. According to a new report, intelligence officials have apparently been softening the blow when it comes to reports on ISIS from the field and they’re not the only ones. Liberals news agencies are actively suppressing the stories that […]
Glenn Beck Could Go To Jail For Saving Christians From ISIS. He Needs Our Support!
Glenn Beck may go to jail and here’s why. Glenn recently published the fact that he’s actively working with ex-CIA operatives to vet Christians in Syria to “smuggle” into the US, and he doesn’t care if his actions land him in federal prison. Glenn writes, Stop asking for permission! Stop thinking we need permission. … […]