See Hillary, this is why you protect government digital intellectual property at all times! We have reason to believe, due to reports far and wide, that both Russia and China are using hacked U.S. computer databases to identify and neutralize U.S. agents within their countries. Just another reminderto keep everything you can encrypted with a […]
It’s Official – Liberals Are Now Destroying Guns!
I don’t know what I dislike more: liberals or gun control lobbyists. Sometimes, they are one in the same, but there are some out there that don’t like guns at all, no matter their political affiliation. Thus is the case in Honolulu, Hawaii. We’re not sure what these guys stand for, but it sure isn’t […]
They Told Trump To Be More “Politically Correct”. His Response Had Me Cheering!
The ever non-PC candidate, Donald Trump, is rubbing everyone the wrong way. Why? Maybe it’s his illegal immigration stance, though not many people can complain about that since that was a key campaign platform for the Democrat back in the mid 90s. Seriously, go look it up. So if someone is complaining about it, it’s […]
This Terrorist Just Got A Commercial Truck License And Liberals Are SILENT
This story pretty much takes the cake for biggest “are you kidding me?” moment of the day. In Minnesota, a known terror suspect, and someone on the no-fly list, Amir Meshal just obtained a commercial truck driving license. Which begs the following question. Why?! If this guy is so dangerous, why 1) is he given […]
This Insane CNN Liberal Thinks It’s OK For Black People To Shoot White People
I’ll watch CNN from time to time. Don’t worry, it’s not to get actual advice, it usually just to laugh and the pundits on there. This one might be in my top 5 of CNN insanity. Sally Kohn is one of these pundits, and not a good one at that. The latest idiotic statement came […]
Obama Told These 200 Soldiers To “Forget The Constitution.” Here’s Their Response
Need more proof the Obama Iran deal is complete garbage? Well look no further than this story by D.C. Clothesline. 200 retired U.S. generals and officers, including retired Admiral Leon A. “Bud” Edney who initiated the charge, have come out against Obama and 36 other retired U.S. generals that originally supported his Iran nuke deal, […]
Do You Think Obama Is Lazy? Turns Out That It’s Way Worse Than You Think!
You’d expect the President of the United States to be able to take a break once in a while. We all need one. And while that’s perfectly fine, there is a line where time off becomes laziness. According to Mark Kohller, CBS News’ White House correspondent, on Twitter, President Obama has not only played 250 […]
After Seeing The High Costs Of Retirement Homes, This Genius Had An Awesome Plan
Retirement is all about having enough resources to make life into one nice long cruise where you don’t have to worry about anything, with the focus being on spending time with your family and enjoying your golden years. However, with the economy in the state that it’s in, currently led by liberal policies, people are […]
Gays Forced Her Family Business To Close, Her Classy Response Had Me Cheering!
If there’s one thing to know about liberals, it’s that any time in recent history when someone stands up for equal rights, what they really mean is “special treatment” and instead of tolerance, they want acceptance and participation, with non-compliance ending with a lawsuit. One such situation is the not-at-all unique case of Sweet Cakes […]
ISIS, Meet Your Worst Nightmare. This Is The Military’s Awesome New Humvee.
The Hum-Vee has been a staple of the U.S. Military for more than 3 decades now. Today we can tell you, it’s being replaced. A sad day indeed. Not! Why? Because it’s replacement is completely bonkers and awesome! The military awarded the contract to Wisconsin based truck maker Oshkosh. They’ll make approximately 17,000 Joint Light […]