Another big win in the fight against ISIS has us cheering! According to reports, 20 terrorists have just been wiped off the map due to air strikes in the region. These attacks were not carried out by U.S. troops as Obama continues to hold back on unleashing hell on ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorists […]
When They Said “Islam Is Peaceful!”, Bill Maher KNOCKED ‘EM ALL OUT! OMG!
Bill Maher’s pretty opposed to conservatism, but there’s a weird area in which we’re in complete agreement. That area happens to be the issue of radical Islam. While liberals the world over cry foul of Islamophobia anytime someone who looks like a terrorist is profiled as a terrorist, Bill Maher speaks out against the actual […]
ISIS Detonated Two Bombs, 70 Dead, 100+ Injured. Obama Is SILENT! OMG!
In the latest attack by evil Islamist organization ISIS, a bomb was detonated in a public square in Baghdad, killing more than 70 people at the last count, with hundreds more injured. This marks another major terrorist attack by the organization that Barack Obama has famously said was “contained.” Of course, Barack Obama has not […]
MUST-WATCH: Terrorist Detonates Bomb On Plane Right After Takeoff! WHOA!
Here’s another strike for the “religion of peace.” This morning, a flight on Somali-owned Daallo Airlines from Somalia to Djibouti in East Africa, suffered a rupture in the cabin five minutes after takeoff. Now, I know what you’re thinking – an airline that has had a history of terrorist activity and operates in a Muslim hellhole has […]
Iran’s Military Leaks Shocking Video Showing Their EVIL Plan To BOMB Major Cities!
Obama’s Iran Deal has been a complete failure, with Iran basically taking advantage of America from day one. As Trump has said in the past, there is no reason for them to act accordingly, and no reason for them not to screw the United States repeatedly – which is exactly what they’ve been doing. The […]
BREAKING: LA Schools Closed Due To Terror Threat. BE ON THE LOOKOUT!
Everyone out west, be careful and be alert today. Especially if you work at or near a school. Breaking reports out of the west coast are saying that the LA unified school district in Los Angeles, California was just shut down completely due to a possible terror threat. All Los Angeles Unified School District campuses […]
BREAKING: German Police Find ISIS-Made Bomb In Ambulance Outside Of Stadium!
The disaster that occurred in Paris almost happened again today, in Hannover, Germany, right before a soccer match was due to begin. Fortunately, due to great police work, all explosive materials were found and no one was hurt, with the entire stadium evacuated. According the NY Daily News, Authorities also cleared the TUI-Arena, with a […]
BREAKING: US Intelligence Suggests ISIS Bomb Caused Russian Plane Crash
If this is true, and it’s looking more and more like it right now, then we have a larger problem on our hands than previously anticipated. Reports last month that ISIS was about to be wiped off the face of the earth were, apparently, very exaggerated. If you may or may not know, a Russian […]
A Stupid Entitled Teenager Thought He Could Threaten Cops. GUESS AGAIN!
Liberals will say gun control will keep all these mass shooting from happening. How about good old fashioned police work? That seems to be what worked out best this time. In Florida, 15 year old student Devon Foster tweeted “One million retweets and I’ll blow up the school.” Given the mass shootings that have happened […]
Bill Maher DESTROYED Ahmed Mohamed And It Has Liberals FURIOUS! EPIC!
Even though Bill Maher is a self-proclaimed far-left liberal, he does make some good points every now and again – having to do with Islam, of course. Earlier this week, a 14 year old boy named Ahmed Mohamed brought a clock to school in Irving, Texas that closely resembled a bomb and was arrested and […]