Here’s more proof as to why we need to shut our borders. On the border of Macedonia and Greece there is a fence to keep out unwanted immigrants. It’s pretty flimsy and it’s detailed in this video. What you’re about to see is convincing proof that Middle Eastern immigrants will stop at nothing to get into […]
Here’s What Liberals Want Trump To Ban INSTEAD Of Radical Muslims
If you ever want to see how insane the liberal agenda is, look no further than their stated goals, and it’s not just crackpots on the fringe – it’s mainstream publications agreeing with this leftist nonsense. According to the New York Times, President Trump would make America safer by targeting guns rather than Muslim terrorists. […]
When Obama Says ISIS Is NOT A Problem, One Former Marine SHOOTS HIM DOWN! WHOA!
It’s no secret that Obama has single-handedly turned America into a gigantic politically correct, wuss fest. In fact, Obama has taken it so far that he’s actually told the military that they are less important than terrorists. You read that correctly. According to reports, a former U.S. special operations forces member is speaking out about […]
ISIS Loving Terrorists Thought They Could Fool America. They Got A Dose Of INSTANT JUSTICE!
You can’t hide from us ISIS terrorists. Not even in our own country. Two “Americans” have been arrested in association with the terror group as they were conspiring to flee the U.S. and join ISIS as well as give the group money and other resources. Jaelyn Delshaun Young and her fiance, Muhammad Oda Dakhlalla, pleaded […]
MUST-SEE: This Lone Survivor Navy SEAL DESTROYED Islam And I Can’t Be More Proud!
Hoooo doggy is this one good! Ex Navy SEAL, Marcus Luttrell, joined up with the NRA for an ad that you won’t soon forget. Nor will islamic extremists. Luttrell is of “Lone Survivor” fame; the best selling book and movie based on it as well. Here is his message to the terrorists of our world. […]
Here’s What America Will Use To Beat The **** Out Of ISIS, With Or Without Obama!
Let’s admit it. We all have that Star Wars fantasy of being able to have a sword made of pure light that can deflect laser bullets. It’s just plain cool. Those same light sabers in the movie can also cut through darn near anything. Well now we have a tool, thanks to the U.S. Air […]
The US Military Just Did Something That Would Make Donald Trump PROUDER THAN EVER!
ISIS may continue to try expanding it’s network, but ultimately it’s not going to work. There are powers far greater than they attempting to smite them at every turn. No matter what Obama says, our boys are continuing to bomb the crap out of ISIS and they’re score a major victory. There are reports coming […]
Wow. See this right here, this is why we need him in office. Breaking overnight was the fact that the tech giant Apple would not code a “back door” to hack into the San Bernadino terrorists’ phone to get information about other possible attacks on innocent people. Apple says that would be an invasion of […]
Donald Trump Said EXACTLY How He’d Take Down Islamic Terrorists! YIPPEE KI YAY!
Leave it to Trump to say what everyone else was thinking, but too scared to do so. As Trump rolls on after his massive New Hampshire primary win, where it was a landslide, he just gave an interview to a French paper about the immigration crisis in Europe. Here he talked about how it’s been […]
Europe Admits Trump Was RIGHT, Does THIS To Muslim Immigrants! WHOA!
Breaking new out of Great Britain where ISIS loving terrorists have been caught red handed while using the migrant crisis to smuggle in actual terrorists. According to reports, British Intelligence has gained knowledge that ISIS is using the crisis to plant their operatives into places throughout Europe, and by extension the world (aka the U.S.), […]