Here’s the difference between Obama and his weak administration, and Vladimir Putin and his iron fisted, bombing of ISIS administration. Obama had to go through mountains of liberal BS to even get approval for air strikes in Syria. Putin said, “We’re doing it,” the government agreed, and in 2 days they were bombing the crap […]
A Muslim Dies And Finds Himself At The Gates Of Heaven And Then…HILARIOUS!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A Muslim dies and finds himself in front of St Peter at the gates of heaven. “Hey, what’s going on here? Where am I?” he asks St Peter. “Welcome to the afterlife,” St Peter replies. “No, no this isn’t right. I want to speak to the prophet Mohammed, […]
A Reporter Asked An Old Jewish Man In Israel Why He Prays. The Answer? HILARIOUS!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A news reporter goes to see a Jewish man who has been going to the western wall in Israel to pray once a day for 70 years, the reporter goes up to him and says, “hello I’m a reporter for the BBC and we know you’re quite famous […]
A Muslim Woman Got On A Bus With Her Baby. What Happened Next…HILARIOUS!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A Muslim woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: “That’s the ugliest baby that I’ve ever seen. Ugh!” The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: “The driver just insulted […]
A 4th Grader Asked Obama A Question, But Then…HILARIOUS!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Obama visits an elementary school to talk to the kids of a 4th grade class. After his talk he offers to answer some questions. First a little girl puts up his hand, and Obama asks for her name. “Suzanne,” responds the little girl. “And what is your question, […]
Obama Defends Islam And Gets Put In His Place In 10 Seconds Flat. EPIC!
We’re huge fans of Fox News’ hit show The Five because it’s a comical, but all too real perspective that everyone needs to hear. It’s untethered and unfiltered and often has some heated discussions dealing with some quite surprising outcomes, none more so that this clip of host Greg Gutfeld laying into Obama for the […]
When They Said “America Needs Obama” Jeff Foxworthy Set ‘Em Straight! WHOA!
Larry King is an icon in the entertainment industry, but just as many on the media, he’s a liberal and holds true the idea that the Obama administration is going a great job. It’s a great thing that the person he’s interviewing is professional comedian and conservative Jeff Foxworthy, who has more than a few […]
Ronald Reagan Drops By The White House And Teaches Obama An EPIC Lesson!
Ronald Reagan is something of a conservative legend – he united both left and right in a way that let people understand how economics worked for them, instead of working for those in power. It’s abundantly clear that Obama has forgotten how any of this works, and thinks that the government is the ultimate authority […]
This Hilarious Cartoon Perfectly Sums Up How The World Sees Obama
Barack Obama is good at a few things – putting in place policies that destroy jobs and appeasing his liberal big-money backers, and lying to the American public about issues that matter. But up until now, it seems as though the public was on his side. I’m so glad to see that’s not the case. […]
When They Asked Larry The Cable Guy About Obama, No One Expected This
Larry The Cable Guy is one of the funniest comedians to come around in a long time. His down to earth approach to things and his trademark Git-r-done catch phrase is exactly what the country needs when we’re faced with troubling times. Larry went on Fox News’ Hannity to talk about Obamacare and he let loose, […]