Consider me stunned. After all he’s said in the past few weeks, I honestly did not see this coming. An Imam in Texas agree with Trump and has come out in support if his statements to halt all Syrian refugee immigration to the U.S.! See? Told you that you didn’t see this one coming. Nidal […]
The National Anthem Was Cut Out At A Hockey Game. What Happened Next GAVE ME CHILLS!
With all the negativity and anti-American sentiment that’s been going around these days, this is a video that is sure to fill your heart with patriotic pride! At a recent NHL hockey game in Toronto, two teams were standing and saluting the American Flag while the national anthem was being sung. Well sometimes things don’t […]
REPORT: ISIS Has Radicalized THOUSANDS In The U.S. Obama is SILENT!
This shocking news comes to us today showing us that ISIS has been able to recruit and radicalize thousands within our own borders, and there’s not a peep out of liberals of the White House. According to reports, ISIS has been able to reach many muslims living in America via twitter, despite Anonymous’ best efforts […]
BREAKING: U.S. Tells Citizens Not To Travel Due To Terror Threats
Breaking news this morning out of Washington and it’s not good news for you holiday travel plans. The state department has issued a global travel warning due to increasing terror threats to American travelers. This comes hot on the heels of the ISIS Paris attacks and multiple planes, American or not, being diverted and grounded […]
EXPOSED: Obama Stole More Money From America Than BURGLARS! HOLY ****!
Here’s more proof that Obama is a straight up thief and cares less about the American individual and more about his man-purse’s bottom line. According to a recent report from the Institute of Justice, a non-profit Libertarian law and justice organization, Obama and his administration has taken $4.5 billion from the American people, and that’s […]
INSANE Leftist CNN Host Insults America, Immediately Gets Put In Her Place! WHOA!
Well well, looks like there is a small bit of justice in the liberal media after all. Elise Labott is a CNN correspondent and notorious liberal minded, left winger. She’s nuts. She’s crazy. And it showed when she tweeted about the house vote to tighten refugee screening when allowing immigrants into the U.S. Here’s […]
Trump Says “We Need To Track What Muslims Are Doing!” Liberals Want Him GONE!
Donald Trump, at it again. This time, it’s more awesome than you can possibly imagine. Trump is getting massive flack from the left today for his comments to a reporter’s question. The question? He was asked if there should be a database that tracks muslims in the U.S. His answer was: “There should be a […]
Should The People That Hate The United States Leave? [Vote]
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Is America Still The Land Of Opportunity? [Vote]
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North Korea Aims New Long-Range Nuclear Missiles At America, Obama Is SILENT
We now have confirmation that North Korea should not be messed with. Not that it’s likely that they would fire nukes, but the kicker is that liberals continue to remain silent on this issue. A crackpot nation like North Korea having the ability, in any capacity, to fire nukes at the U.S., when they repeatedly […]