Sometimes, you see something and it just hits you and you have to share it with the world. This is one of those times. With all the negativity going on in the world today, it’s difficult to spot the good. It’s difficult to spot the inspiring. And most of all, it’s difficult to find those […]
What This Liberal Elementary School Did To The Flag INSULTED Every US Veteran! OH NO!
At this point, why not just create another America somewhere else and put all the liberals there – it would solve so many problems and get rid of the BS PC culture. Here’s a perfect example of why Liberals are completely out of their damn minds. A school in New York City has desecrated the […]
Muslims Allowed To KEEP Terrorist “JIHAD” License Plate! The Reason…OMG!
America has lost it’s collective mind. As we move more and more into a PC culture that rewards people for having racist connotations (Black Lives Matter) and vilifying Christians (CAIR), we have another story that will be sure to make your face cringe while audibly saying, “What The ****!?” A Muslim couple in Missouri has […]
MUST-SEE: Trump’s Right Hand Man Just Shut Down EVERY Trump Hater! He’s FIRED UP!
It seems as though Trump is already surrounding himself with incredibly smart people. Here’s one of them. Trump has been bashed by nearly everyone, except the voters who matter most, about his immigration plan and building of a wall. Now we have a bit more clarity as to what that actually entails and what Trump’s […]
Does Barack Obama Hate The United States Of America? [Vote]
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Obama’s Top Supporter ADMITTED One Shocking Fact That Could End Obama! WHOA!
Here’s more proof that Obama is a criminal and broke the law! Obamacare has had a polarizing effect on this country. On one hand, you have liberals saying it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread and touting how many Americans it’s helped. On the other, more reasonable and realistic side, you have Republicans saying that […]
What One Brave Soldier Did For Two Little Boys Will Restore Your Faith In America!
Sometimes you hear about all the negative in the world. Sometimes you see things like this and it warms your heart. Share this everywhere! At a Walmart store in the Lawrenceville, Georgia area two boys named Jayden and Gregory approached a soldier. They thanked him for his service, but it’s what happened next that made […]
Black Voters Thought They Could Trust Obama. Obama TURNS HIS BACK On Them All!
You would think our first black president would help race relations. You would think that a black president would bridge the gap that has loomed over the country since the civil rights movement. If you thought these things, you would be wrong. We have shocking new statistics coming across our desks today that not only […]
Liberal Teacher TATTOOS Christian Class With Muslim Symbols! WHAT THE ***!?
And you know what the most concerning part about this is? These kids are 7! How this teach has not been fired yet is beyond belief. A liberal teacher in Texas has gone too far this time. As part of the liberal agenda to make this country completely devoid of it’s own history and to […]
REPORT: U.S. Has Lowest Confidence In Obama Ever. He’s THROUGH!
Obama has sunk to a new low as his administration’s ratings have taken a nose dive with U.S. residents having the lowest confidence in the government to protect them from terrorist attacks. This comes hot on the heels of yet another shooting in the U.S. in San Bernadino, California. In the aftermath, the U.S. community […]