Well now, I feel like this is something that all the refugee loving liberals should see in it’s entirety. Last week, a story got swept under the rug by the liberal media as no one really heard about it. Why not? Because they didn’t want this to get out and for everyone to know the […]
united stated
The National Anthem Was Cut Out At A Hockey Game. What Happened Next GAVE ME CHILLS!
With all the negativity and anti-American sentiment that’s been going around these days, this is a video that is sure to fill your heart with patriotic pride! At a recent NHL hockey game in Toronto, two teams were standing and saluting the American Flag while the national anthem was being sung. Well sometimes things don’t […]
Here’s How Many Radical Muslims Obama Let Into America As “Vetted Refugees.” Are You Sitting Down?
As if you needed another reason to like Trump and his immigration stance, we’re going to give you another one. Breitbart has done something really excellent. It’s analyzed public, government data showing who exactly immigrated into our country in 2013. Why would this be important? Given the recent heightened scrutiny of immigration on the whole […]