Barack Obama has opened Pandora’s box and it looks like what’s inside was Iranian ballistic missiles. Since the Iran deal lifted sanctions on the backwards, crack-pot, Muslim nation of Iran, the Iranian government has seen fit to essentially piss off the entire world because they want everyone dead except those that live in their country. […]
WE TOLD YOU SO: Iran Does One HORRIBLE Thing In Front Of Obama’s Face, He’s SPEECHLESS!
Iran is an evil country and this pretty much proves it. As Obama made a deal with the devil, Iranian heads crossed their fingers behind their backs. Gillible and naive Obama thought that making this deal would be beneficial to the relationship Iran has with the rest of the world. Not so, and quite honestly […]
You Think Obama’s Iran Deal Was Bad? Obama Has Something WAY More EVIL Planned!
I think Obama is the worst foreign policy president in the history of our country. This pretty much confirms it. North Korea is a dangerous nation – there’s no doubt about it. They routinely refuse to listen to the UN, they’ve shut out nearly the entire world, and they execute anyone from civilians to high ranking political […]
Obama Handed Iran $100 Billion, Then Iran SPIT IN HIS FACE! We Need TRUMP NOW!
Obama clearly thinks that Iran is some country that loves us. Why he would think that is beyond me, but I’m sure that’s what’s in his head. Meanwhile as Iran captures our soldiers and generally does whatever it wants, it also laughs in the face of the lifted sanctions and calls out president a liar. […]
Obama THANKED Iran When They Abused Our Soldiers. Here’s Why That’s TREASON!
This is ridiculous. Obama continues to put American lives in jeopardy and continually shows he does not care about our troops. A few days ago, Iran illegally held two U.S. ships and 10 sailors as they humiliated them by making them appear on TV and even requesting the woman sailor to wear a hijab. Not […]
CNN Won’t Show This! Ted Cruz Goes NUCLEAR On Obama, Barack Is GIVING UP!
North Korea just detonated a test nuke. Ted Cruz knows that Iran is next in the line. Almost as soon as he got word of the North Korea nuclear test, Ted Cruz went on the offensive. While campaigning for his attempt at the presidency, Cruz lambasted Obama’s nuclear plan. Obama’s deal with the devil (Iran), […]
BREAKING: Obama Lied About North Korea Having Nukes! THIS WILL BE HIS DOWNFALL!
Last night, North Korea tested a nuke. This morning, we’re reminding you that Obama said they didn’t have one, only a month ago. More liberal lies to cover up world conflicts. North Korea apparently detonated a test hydrogen bomb last night around 8:30pm U.S. time, also more commonly known as an H-bomb. This class of […]
Iran Just Got A Brand New Nuclear Reactor, Courtesy Of Barack Obama! INSANE!
This has to be a joke. This is a joke right? It’s not? Ok well the what the hell!? It’s now confirmed that the U.S., as well as other nations, will help Iran, yes THAT Iran, to rebuild a nuclear reactor that’s been dormant. This is the same reactor that is suspected to be used […]
Iran Just Spit In America’s Face And Obama Doesn’t Care. What A Coward!
It’s no surprise that Iran is not to be trusted. We’ve reported about it many times before. Obama is so naive when it comes to the country that wants us gone more than any other. Obama’s nuke deal was supposed to stop Iran from getting nukes while also putting sanctions on any of their other […]
North Korea Aims New Long-Range Nuclear Missiles At America, Obama Is SILENT
We now have confirmation that North Korea should not be messed with. Not that it’s likely that they would fire nukes, but the kicker is that liberals continue to remain silent on this issue. A crackpot nation like North Korea having the ability, in any capacity, to fire nukes at the U.S., when they repeatedly […]