Big news for the Catholic Church.
Trump To Allow Doctors, Nurses To Skip Abortion & Gender Reassignment On Religious Grounds
This will have a big impact…
Pope Francis On North Korea: We Must Rebuild Trust
Really, Pope Francis?
Catholic Priest To Christians: Stop Saying The Word ‘Christmas’
This Picture Shows How Islam Destroyed Europe In 3 Short Years
It’s no secret that Europe has been overrun with Islamists in recent years, many of them refugees. It’s a product of a failing political and economic situation in the Islamic world, and a naive and absolutely insane policy of open borders in Western European countries. Well, one picture has been released that show exactly the […]
An ISIS-Loving Muslim Said “Death To America!” 5 Seconds Later, He Got DESTROYED!
In our society, one of our most cherished and protected rights is the freedom of speech. That means that no matter what you say and how offended people get, you can say anything you want under our Constitution. It’s what makes this country great and it’s what allows our dissent of the government to be […]
When ISIS-Loving Muslims Said “This Country Is OURS!” These Christians Shut ‘Em DOWN!
I’m not sure how the rest of the world works, but I’m pretty sure that Western philosophies and Sharia Law don’t, and can never mix because they’re too far apart ideologically. That’s why it’s so interesting to see Muslims in a Western country like the UK, telling other people in town how to live and […]
Muslim Leader Gets Schooled By Christian Woman When He Says Radical Islam Doesn’t Exist
Sean Hannity isn’t one to back down from a verbal firefight, and sometimes it seems like he lights a match just to watch his guests burn. However, putting together the head of the “Islamic house of wisdom” Imam Mohammad Ali Elah, former Marine Steven Gern & “Act for America” president Brigitte Gabriel is just almost sadistic. […]
Clueless Muslim Student Challenged A Christian Speaker But Didn’t Expect This EPIC Response
Brigitte Gabriel is an outspoken Christian. She is also an fierce adversary to radical Islam and was asked to speak during a panel where the topic was Benghazi. A quick history lesson on Gabriel: she was born in Lebanon to Christian parents, and she endured the Lebanese Civil War, where she would hide from attacking Islamists that […]
CNN Host Says Radical Islam Isn’t A Problem, Then Gets Ass KICKED By Her Guest On LIVE TV
If you do not know who Pamela Geller is, you definitely should, because she is the woman and patriot that organized an event called Draw Muhammad Day in Garland, Texas, much to the chagrin of Islamists. You see, in Islam, it’s expressly forbidden to draw any pictures of the Islamic prophet to such a degree […]