Here in America, Hollywood is largely liberal. It’s a known fact. However there are many celebrities that aren’t just conservatives, they vote Republican when it counts! To name a few, you have Don King, Ben Stein, Gloria Estefan, and Pat Sajak all leaning to the right. But there are some MEGA stars that vote for […]
4 Secrets To Donald Trump’s Billion Dollar Success
While many are attacking Donald Trump for his politics, let’s not forget that he’s a seriously accomplished billionaire businessman. To make it in the cutthroat world of real estate, you have to have your wits about you and be able to know what you want and how to get it. Thankfully, Trump isn’t shy about […]
When This Car Dealership Beat Up A Trump Piñata, His Fans Fought Back HARD
Donald Trump, whether you like him or not, is a divisive character in the Republican party as of late. His hard lined stances on immigration are what got him to his level of popularity, but not everyone is pleased. The Los Angeles car dealership Nissan of Van Nuys made a commercial featuring two employees, one […]
This Is The One Horrible Fact About Caitlyn Jenner Liberals Want You To Forget
Before Caitlyn Jenner was inspiring countless liberals to tweet how inspired they were, she was known as a modestly wealthy Olympian named Bruce, who was responsible for a rather large car crash, where a 69-year-old Kim Howe lost her life. Liberals always seem to glaze over the fact that this inspiring figure was texting and driving […]
Kid Rock DESTROYS Al Sharpton For Demanding To Remove The Confederate Flag. What A Takedown!
Liberals will say that they’re about freedom, but they just want control, and they do that by race-baiting and shifting goal posts whenever they’re backed into a corner. Thankfully, all-American artist Kid Rock doesn’t stand for it. In a segment on Fox News with Megyn Kelly, Sharpton is quoted as doing what he does best, […]
This Duck Dynasty Star Has A Few EPIC Words For Atheists That Puts Them In Their Place! God Bless Him!
Si Robertson is best known for being on his family’s show Duck Dynasty, but he may be just as famous for his outspoken attitude towards those against God’s Word. In a recent interview with The Christian Post, Si admits that he believes there is no such thing as an atheist. See for yourself: According to […]
Josh Groban Randomly Picked Him To Sing “The Prayer”. What He Did Next Left Everyone SPEECHLESS. This Is AMAZING!
Whenever an audience member stuns the performer, that’s a great sign of talent. In this video, Josh Groban plucked a guy out of the audience at random and asked to sing a duet with him. Unbeknownst to the awesome talent that is Mr. Groban, the audience member was born ready. This blew my mind! […]
When I Heard Six Country Songs Combined Into One, I Wasn’t Ready For The Awesome Result
Like most red-blooded Americans, I’m a fan of country. I just can’t stay away. So when I heard that there was a professionally-made mashup of some of my favorite songs, I had it on repeat for a week. Get ready, this blew my mind: (Source: YouTube) Share it if you thought it was as mind blowing […]
Before Her Song, She Was Nervous. 30 Seconds Later, Everyone Was In Tears
There’s talent, and then there’s God-given talent. This girl has the latter, as she performs on Germany’s The Voice Kids, with a heart-wrenching rendition of Andrea Bocelli’s Time To Say Goodbye. It’s without a doubt the most moving version of the song I’ve ever heard. (Source: YouTube) Share if you were as blown away as […]
Police Investigating “Suspected Hate Crime” At Tucker Carlson’s Home
The police in Washington D.C. are investigating a mob protest from the left-wing that took place at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house on Wednesday evening. It is a “suspected hate crime,” with “anti-political” motivations, according to a police report. The mob was organized by the Antifa group “Smash Racism DC.” It posted Carlson’s Washington address […]