It’s an undeniable fact that the Christmas has largely been turned into a giant consumerist event that completely overshadows that true meaning behind the holiday. A huge battle in the culture wars has been waged over the holiday and it shows no signs of letting up.
One thing is for sure, the perpetual losers year after year are Christians. Not only has one of their biggest times of celebration been taken over by reindeer and fat bearded man, but leftists have slowly been chipping away at our ability to even say the words “Merry Christmas!” Since Christmas has been taken over by “Santa and reindeer,” a Catholic priest in Ireland thinks that Christians should take an interesting step to protest this sad reality.
As reported at the Express, Father Desmond O’Donnell said Christians of all denominations should realize that Christmas and Easter no longer have any sacred meaning thanks to the constant undermining of them by various cultural forces.
While it may initially anger believers to hear that, his reasoning is very sound, as wants to preserve the true essence of these holidays. He only thinks that it’s not possible to do so thanks to what folks now associate with the names/holidays.
He also said that the church is failing to understand or address the reality that Christmas in the current year is far removed from the Christian one. He believes that “secularisation and modern life will continue to launder the church” should nothing be done about it.
He said: “It goes beyond just commercialism, it’s showing a total disregard and disrespect towards one of the greatest stories ever told, and I think people of all faiths will be offended by this.”
Edwards and O’Donnell understand that modern society has drifted far away from its Christian moors. It goes far beyond a preference of observance, as liberals show downright hostility to anyone that shows an inclination to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. It’s a disgusting reality, but one that must be faced if we want future generations to even know what the holiday is all about.
Source: Express