Donald Trump has been a polarizing figure thus far, even still nearly half a year from the Iowa caucuses. The sound bites are coming fast and furious and we have another for you. The Houston Chronicle has told us,
In a speech light on policy details but heavy on flair, Donald Trump told a raucous New Hampshire crowd Friday that he’d make a smarter president than any of his competitors when it comes to the economy, the military and everything else.
“We will make great trade deals, we will save Social Security without cuts, we will come up with health care plans that will be phenomenal — phenomenal,” Trump told a packed high school auditorium.
Trump is also holding a massive lead in all primary polls.
Trump’s trip to the first primary state comes as he continues to hold a commanding lead in the Republican presidential primary, despite a spat with Fox News personality Megyn Kelly, staff shakeups and continued criticism over his comments about Mexican immigrants. Although he speaks without a script, Trump’s talking points here echoed those he’s made on the campaign trail for months, namely touting his skills as a negotiator.
Love him, hate him, or completely indifferent, Trump is a power that seems to be gaining a ton of momentum going into election season.