Recently, the Inspector General released a report on the state of Veterans Affairs and the results will have you seeing red! The report tells the whole story. 307,000 Veterans died last year waiting for healthcare. Even just 1 vet dying from being in the healthcare line is unacceptable. We looked into the matter and found […]
When Obama Said “Forget Israel”, They Sent Him A Message He Won’t Forget!
Thousands of protesters swarmed on the streets of New York City at the offices of Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Theese protesters were there to urge her to withdraw her vote of “yes” for the Iranian nuclear deal. But this was no ordinary protest as they had star power behind them from the government. Presidential candidate, […]
Obama Pledges Allegiance To Iran, While They Do THIS To Israel. UNREAL!
Obama is as blind as ever. As momentum builds for the Iran nuclear deal, and Obama secures the votes he needs to win the deal’s safe passage into legislation, Iran is crossing it’s fingers behind it’s back and making a mockery of the deal itself. First came the news that Iran wouldn’t allow U.N. inspectors […]
Liberals Want Us To Give HOW MUCH Of Our Tax Dollars To Foreign Countries?
This story right here is why I loathe the liberal media. Vox is a liberal media site that prides itself on trying to be journalistic in nature, but largely misses the point all of the time. The article in question is one of a Syrian boy drowning and how it’s America’s fault. Which is a […]
A Hacker Is Selling Hillary Clinton’s Secret Emails For $500,000. She’s FINISHED!
This is a slippery slope on this one. On one side you have probably the most evil person next to Obama this country has ever seen. On the other, another type of evil has claimed to have hacked the Hillary Clinton database and claims to have over 32,000 emails of hers that would cripple her […]
MUST-SEE: China’s Military Leaked Shocking Video Showing A Plan To INVADE AMERICA!
As an ominous sign of things to come, the Chinese government has just released a computer generated video showing what would happen if the country decided to invade America and cripple its military. The video takes place in what looks like the waters and bases surrounding the Okinawa, Japan. Considering that it comes off the […]
When Liberals Turned Their Backs On Police, This Texas Governor Set Them Straight!
There is an epidemic going on in this country. Civilians are turning against the people that are sworn to protect us; the police. We need to respect their authority and their ability to uphold the law, but apparently that doesn’t apply to some people. Here’s a great story of someone standing up FOR the police, […]
Obama Just Gave HOW MUCH To Planned Parenthood To Sell Baby Body Parts?!
In probably the most sickening news I’ve seen all day long, President Obama has officially gone off the deep end. The Obama administration has just sent $1 million, yes that much money, to Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in 3 states: Iowa, Missouri, and Montana. I have no words. How can you support a business that […]
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s Leaked Emails Show Her Secret Conspiracy Against Conservatives
And the hits just keep on coming. Hillary Clinton is now under fire for something completely different than her email scandal. This time, as Yahoo News tells us, Clinton allowed her friend, someone who has never held a governmental position of any kind, to advise her on foreign policy. That sounds like a great idea, […]
When Jeb Bush Trashes Trump In Spanish, Trump Shows What It Means To Be A Real American!
Trump doesn’t take insults lightly, and it looks like he can certainly dish them out better than anyone running against him. Case in point: Jeb Bush just called out The Donald in an interview, saying “El hombre no es conservador,” which translates to “This man is not a conservative” according to CNN. Trump has been under […]