Despite all the fear-mongering by the media, Hollywood, and leftist politicians across the globe over the last 2 decades, it appears that the average American still doesn’t care about global warming.
Regardless of what polls say about believers, those that are actually taking action themselves or want the government to take the drastic steps necessary to “do something” about it are minuscule. One slice of the proof can be seen at the box office, where for years now, global warming propaganda has continued to bomb, despite the Left’s continued efforts to shove their message down our throats. And 2017 saw the predictable trend continue.
As reported at the Washington Times, global warming propaganda had another tough year, as 2017 was full of flops, proving for the hundredth time that no one wants to go see movies that center around the contentious issue.
The most hilarious bust of all has to go to the sequel of the debunked “An Inconvenient Truth,” which put global warming on the map in 2006 and made Al Gore a very rich man.
“Geostorm,” “Downsizing,” “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” and “mother!” all films with eco-messages, flopped hard.
Despite Gore’s sequel “documentary” enlisting numerous “eco-conscious” celebrities like Paul McCartney, Bono, and Pharrell Williams, it received a cold welcome at the box office and even among reviewers.
“Geostorm,” which looked like a B-movie movie you’d catch on the SyFy network, made a meager $33 million at a hefty $120 million budget.
“Downsizing,” starred outspoken leftist Matt Damon in future in which people can shrink themselves to the height of a grapefruit. The environmental discourse that filled the movie is about what you’d expect from such a premise.
Justin Haskins, executive editor at the right-leaning, free-market Heartland Institute, said Hollywood insiders remain fixated on saving the planet, despite the film’s poor returns.
“They believe climate change will bring people to the movies,” Mr. Haskins said. “That’s wildly out of touch with how moviegoers feel about the issue.”
Earlier this year, a Pew survey found that “the environment” doesn’t even rank in the top 10 public policy concerns of most Americans, coming in behind “terrorism,” “the economy,” “education,” “jobs,” and several others.
Haskins did say that this hasn’t always been the case. Hits such as “An Inconvenient Truth” and “The Day After Tomorrow,” the 2004 film that explicitly preyed on climate change fears, made some money
But at the time, the nation was gripped with global warming hysteria, as scientists were practically saying Armageddon was around the corner, that by the end of the decade, our coastal cities would be under water.
However, that hysteria slowly went away, as all of Al Gore and others’ promises of doom never came to pass.
“They stopped believing the problem was as serious as what Al Gore was saying,” Mr. Haskins said.
Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot and fierce critic of global warming alarmism, thinks these failures show there’s a serious disconnect between show business and its consumers.
“Hollywood is finding out that the climate scare continues to be nothing more than a big yawn for the public,” Mr. Morano said. “Lecturing the public on climate change is boring, and ticket receipts prove this.”
It’s evident that more often than not when Hollywood leftists try to lecture folks in their movies, the result is negative. Despite that, it seems studios are still determined to get Americans to believe and care about the issue, even if that means losing money along the way. They can keep churning them out because intelligent folks will continue to not watch them.
Source: Washington Times