Trump is used to this by now because people hate victory apparently. As Trump continues to impress, more and more haters come out of the woodwork. I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe the politically correct idiots in this country just can’t stand to see a normal person winning. Either way, Trump has handled each and […]
Obama Tried Sneaking In Muslim Refugees And Got B***h-Slapped With A LAWSUIT!
Another setback for Obama trying bring refugees into the U.S. and I honestly couldn’t be happier. Alabama has now sued the federal government for failing to properly notify state officials of refugee relocation. Obama has essentially gone behind the back of each and every state, secretly placing refugees into communities nationwide. Well Alabama had enough […]
When Syrian Refugees Wanted To Come In, Alabama And Michigan Said NOT SO FAST!
After France closed its borders, The U.S. responded in a way I’d never thought possible. If you hadn’t heard, recently Michigan had come under fire for having programs that allowed Syrian refugees to enter the U.S. and begin their lives anew in their respective states. Our own Department of Homeland Security helped settle about 200 […]