WHOA! This is a hard nosed stance on the immigrant crisis and we should IMMEDIATELY adopt it here! As the mass exodus continues to happen from the middle east to Europe, and as Muslims continue to not conform to the type of society they relocate to, Europe has officially had enough. In a statement crafted […]
Three Americans Were KIDNAPPED By Islamists, Obama Responded By Doing…
How did no one even think to go get these guys? I mean come on! Last month, the liberal media kept very quite on the subject of 3 Americans being kidnapped in Iraq. Now, they’ve finally been released, but we really don’t know why they were kidnapped in the first place. According to Reuters, some […]
ISIS Is Spreading And Obama Is Sending Troops WHERE?! This Proves He Has NO CLUE!
Obama continues to just not get it. ISIS is the other way! It’s true Afghanistan is a hot bed for terrorism, especially Al Qaeda. While it’s important to keep a close eye on the region, ISIS is our #1 threat to our way of life and Obama is doing nothing to stop them. The air […]
New Video Showing How Far ISIS Has Come Proves Obama Did NOTHING!
It’s one thing to make a political case against ISIS and say that you’re doing something when in reality, you’re not. But Obama has consistently done nothing and praised himself for it. Now we have the unquestionable proof of how little his speeches and military command have done. Below is a video depicting ISIS’ control […]
When They Told Muslim Immigrants To Assimilate, The Muslims Said WHAT?!
Be prepared, it’s coming here next. The last line between America and the muslim invasion currently happening in Europe is the United Kindgom. The U.K. now is telling the truth about the muslim migrants that have infested their country calling them “different” and that they “won’t integrate.” Sounds like a bunch of people we really […]
Here’s Everything We Know About The Americans Kidnapped By ISIS
While the democrats were busy beating each other up, praising Obama in the debate, and advocating for a revolution, ISIS was busy kidnapping American citizens, as reported by every news network other than the liberal mainstream media. Here’s everything we know about the event so far, according to Fox News: A group of Americans who […]
ISIS-Loving Refugee Tried To Attack Texas But Got A Boot Up His Ass Instead
It’s news like this that both scares me and also gives me hope. We found the coward and now he’s in custody. An Iraqi refugee, no doubt brought in by Obama, is facing charges that he tried to help ISIS in bombing a mall in Texas. But authorities had other plans and captured the terrorist. […]
Germany Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT, Will CLOSE ITS BORDERS To Muslims! WOW!
It seems as though Germany is on to something. And to be honest, we need to bring it here too. As the influx of refugees from Syria grow larger every day, Germany becomes more and more impatient. Initially, they were welcoming refugees with open arms. Now, they are telling them to get out as the […]
Obama Tried Sneaking In Muslim Refugees And Got B***h-Slapped With A LAWSUIT!
Another setback for Obama trying bring refugees into the U.S. and I honestly couldn’t be happier. Alabama has now sued the federal government for failing to properly notify state officials of refugee relocation. Obama has essentially gone behind the back of each and every state, secretly placing refugees into communities nationwide. Well Alabama had enough […]
MUST-SEE VIDEO: Pentagon CONFIRMED Obama LIED About Bombing ISIS! He’s DONE!
Reports out of Washington this morning are not looking good for Obama. And that makes me happier than a pig in ****! Though, I did wish it was better news as it has to do with ISIS and how much it’s grown recently. Obama’s air strikes have been highly publicized and the U.S. military has […]