The media says that Trump supporters are the really violent and disruptive ones. Oh yea? Well what we’re about to show you not only proves that completely wrong, but also shows that the Liberals are the true criminals here. At Donald Trump’s rally last night in Costa Mesa, California, things got a bit hairy outside. […]
They Asked A Veteran “Why Do You Support Trump?” His Answer Had Me In TEARS!
Our servicemen and women are, and should be, the people most highly revered in our society because they’re the ones willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us can live our lives as freely as possible. That’s why they deserve our respect and support, and no political candidate does that better than […]
Trump Haters STOMPED On The Flag. They Didn’t Expect A VETERAN To KNOCK ‘EM OUT!
This makes my blood boil to new heights. Outside the Wisconsin primary offices where a Trump rally was being held, protesters and all around garbage-humans were desecrating the American flag, stomping all over it. Why were they doing this, you might ask? To protest Trump of course. Liberal logic, it’s so stupid. Best part about […]
They Asked Donald Trump When He Will Put Hillary Clinton In Prison. His Answer…OMG!
Donald Trump, the front-runner of the Republicans for the presidential nomination, is, above all else, a man of the people. The fact that he takes all questions from his rallygoers is proof of that, but sometimes the questions get a bit more interesting than usual. In an Ohio rally, Trump was asked the exact date […]
When They Called Him A “Traitor”, This Black Trump Voter UNLOADED On Every Trump Hater! OMG!
If the mainstream media is to be believed, then all of Donald Trump’s support comes from out-of-the-closet racists that have come screaming out of the closet with swastikas in hand. But we know better, and so do you. That’s why this video is so particularly satisfying. At a St. Louis Trump rally, Black Lives Matter […]
CHAOS At Donald Trump Rally As Bernie And Hillary Supporters Get VIOLENT! OMG!
Donald Trump rallies have always been politically charged – that’s no secret. However, as is always the case, it takes Democrats to get things violent. Like a pack of raging infants, Bernie Sanders supporters took over a convention center, throwing things at Trump voters and canceling the event. If this video doesn’t remind you of […]
When Hillary Went On Stage, She Didn’t Notice One Thing In The Background…But The Cameras DID!
Hillary Clinton must be tired of politics by now. I mean, we disagree with her as much as the next conservative, but the grind of the campaign trail must be taking its toll on her because she’s clearly gone insane. At a recent rally for Clinton, the camera panned away from her and captured what […]
When The Lights Went Out At A Trump Rally, No One Expected Trump To Do THIS! WHOA!
Trump is used to this by now because people hate victory apparently. As Trump continues to impress, more and more haters come out of the woodwork. I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe the politically correct idiots in this country just can’t stand to see a normal person winning. Either way, Trump has handled each and […]
Trump’s New Record Stood For 42 Years. Not Any More! The Trump Train SMASHED It!
Trump just keeps on rolling! Another day another record for the Trump Train. After his plane did an emergency landing due to a malfunction, Trump was in jeopardy of not making it to Arkansas in time for his rally. “No way. Not gonna happen,” he said as he peeled out and got there on time! […]
Liberals Called Trump “Racist”, Then This Video Came Out And Shut ‘Em Up QUICK!
Oh liberals, how you love to twist the truth to make your own agenda seem less insane. Over the weekend at a Trump rally, a man was removed for causing a disturbance in the upper decks of the stadium they were in. Initial reports has said that Trump was mocking the man for wearing a […]