Looks like Hillary isn’t the only one that can’t answer a question straight away and truthfully. Her staff does the exact same thing.
On CNN yesterday, Clinton staffer Neera Tanden went on with Chris Cuomo to discuss the campaign, the debate, and most interestingly the emails scandal and most recent Wikileaks email dump. Tanden was immediately put on the offensive by Cuomo when he brought up a particular email talking about Hillary Clinton’s public interview acumen and her public perception. Something that was discussed in the public eye was also being discussed behind closed doors.
She went totally defensive by Cuomo pushed and called her out for the lie.
Cuomo noted that Clinton, when asked about the email, dodged the question by saying that WikiLeaks is effectively Russia trying to influence the U.S. election.
“But let’s deal with the substance of … one of the ones that you wrote,” Cuomo challenged Tanden, saying it was “interesting to hear that inside, you guys were having the same discussion that people were having outside.”
He then hit her with his question.
“Where did you guys come to a conclusion about why Clinton had such a hard time just owning that she did something wrong with the email server?” he asked.
Tanden tried to dodge.
“I know that Russia and other forces would love us to have a debate … about the internal structure of Hillary’s campaign. What’s true, what’s not true? And I’m just not going to play that. I’m sorry.”
When Cuomo sought an answer, Tandem kept talking.
“Any email I sent was personal from my personal account to someone else’s personal account. I’m not on the campaign. I was a formal outside adviser with my own thoughts.”
She then began to scold.
“I’m just telling you right now, Chris, the reality of this is that I think … people should not be using this as weaponizing the emails or personal emails of anyone,” she said.
“You don’t like it because it’s your email,” Cuomo then said, noting that if the email had come from a Trump campaign source she would have been more than happy to discuss it. “You’re ducking it, you’re not having high ground.”
The conversation, as you can see in the video above, continued to Donald Trump’s tax returns where Tanden tried to save some face by agreeing with Cuomo, but he was having none of her saying what difference does it make how they were obtained, they’re out there.
This brings up a hugely important point. These emails are now all public knowledge and STILL Hillary Clinton and her campaign are trying to distort the truth. Is that who we really want in office?
(Source: Western Journalism)