This one is too good not to share. Bill O’Reilly is an absolutely master of the conservative news segment and Jennifer Rubin is a liberal moron.
When O’Reilly has a liberal in his show, usually they come prepared to debate in a way that seems productive, but rarely is. Most liberals just want to yell and shout over O’Reilly because they think they’re points are more valid at a higher volume. New flash: they’re not. This one is no exception.
Jennifer Rubin, a leftist blogger, came on the show to talk about the media bias towards Trump and to call out O’Reilly for being a Trump shill when he’s been anything but. Rubin then gets her liberal ass handed to her by O’Reilly and it is something you just have to see to believe.
Can’t stop watching this train wreck.
I love how O’Reilly stays calm and collected even when Rubin is spewing things that she has no right talking about. How can you not know that the moderators of the second debate were Democrats? Rubin came unprepared, even though she had a paper full of things to say, and O’Reilly let her have it.
This underscores the huge problem in today’s media. Democrats and liberals just say whatever they want without thinking and those watching just soak it all in like the mindless sponges the liberal viewers are. They don’t have an original thought between the lot of them. O’Reilly has been one of the fairest reporters the news has seen in the last decade while the liberals get invited to Hillary’s banquets to help spread her message of idiocy.
Get a clue Jennifer Rubin. You’re the same as the others. No one should listen to this woman. Ever.
(Source: YouTube)