This is seriously not good. This could be the start of World War III, and Turkey is to blame. Clearly, Russia is not trying to bomb Turkey. They’ve shown that time and time again while they unleash holy hell on ISIS inside of Syria. But last week, a Russian plane was shot down over Turkey, […]
russian plane
BREAKING: Turkey’s Response To Russia, “We’re Not Sorry. Shove It Up Your ***!”
As the day rolls on, more and more heated back and fourth continues to happen between Turkey and Russia. As we now know, Turkey shot down the Russian fighter jet last week after initial reports said it was radical islamists with a ground-to-air rocket. Instead, Turkish forces shot the Russian jet out of the sky […]
Obama Blames Putin For Islamists Shooting Down Russian Plane. Putin is PISSED!
How can this be Russia’s fault exactly? As Obama glad-handed the French President and said, “We support the French and will stop ISIS in Syria,” in the same breath he said that Russia’s plane being shot down was it’s own fault. Yea, that makes sense. Oh wait, no it doesn’t! ‘I do think that this […]
UPDATE: Islamists Shoot Down Russian Plane, Putin Says Go **** Yourselves!
This is an epic response by the Russian government to the shooting down of one of it’s planes earlier today. This shows that Russia is willing to wipe out ISIS at all costs! Earlier today we reported that a Russian plane has been shot down on the border of Syria by Turkish troops. The attacked […]
BREAKING: US Intelligence Suggests ISIS Bomb Caused Russian Plane Crash
If this is true, and it’s looking more and more like it right now, then we have a larger problem on our hands than previously anticipated. Reports last month that ISIS was about to be wiped off the face of the earth were, apparently, very exaggerated. If you may or may not know, a Russian […]