Here’s what I don’t get: how has Obama lasted this long? With stories like these, why hasn’t congress simply impeached him? The justice department in the Obama administration is set to release 6,000 prisoners. Why are they set to do this? Because former Attorney General Eric Holder changed how prosecutors prosecute drug offenders. This will […]
Illegal Immigrants
Should We Ban Illegal Immigrants From Receiving Tax Returns? [Vote]
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Should We Ban Illegal Immigrants From Driving? [Vote]
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Three Illegal Immigrants Murdered An Innocent Teen And Liberals Are SILENT
Here we go again. When will this stop?! Probably when Trump is in office and not sooner. Breitbart is reporting that 3 illegal immigrants are being charged with murder after the senseless gunning down of a 17-year-old on his way to school in Loudoun County, Virginia. Danny Centeno-Miranda, a legal immigrant from El Salvador, was […]