Geraldo Rivera is a talking head that can’t seem to shut up. He’s almost never right about anything, yet he’s given a platform to spew his nonsense on a regular basis. I guess this is what Fox News means by “fair and balanced.” Rivera, being hispanic, has taken up the pet cause of illegal immigration. […]
Illegal immigration
When Obama Said “Illegals Should STAY!” He Got SHOT DOWN Instantly! OMG!
Obama thinks he can get away with anything. Think again, O-Bummer! Obama has been trying to reform immigration in a last ditch attempt to prove his relevancy as a president. I don’t think that this will make up for his shortcomings in the last 8 years, but he’s apparently trying. Immigration reform has been a […]
They Told This Black Trump Supporter “Trump Is FINISHED!” What He Said Next…OMG!
Oh man. This one is going to royally piss off the Liberals. And I love it. We continually hear that Trump’s border wall and illegal immigration reform, wouldn’t do anything to help the American people. How about we talk to a person that’s supporting Trump that you wouldn’t believe given what we’ve heard on the […]
Here’s The REAL Reason Why Obama Hates Donald Trump’s Wall! I Wasn’t Expecting THIS!
Obama says that he’s done great things for our border. Yea right. The border is in a state of disrepair. This is incontestable as it is a fact. More and more illegal immigrants pour into this country year after year under Obama’s watch and now someone is standing up and saying we need to do […]
One Country Took Trump’s Advice And CLOSED Its Borders. What Happened Next…OMG!
When you get the argument that closing borders and having proper controls for incoming immigrants doesn’t work, show whomever said that this article and laugh in their face for being completely wrong. Germany is a country that we’re all looking at when it comes to immigration. After the crisis and subsequent mass exodus from the […]
Trump Unveiled His Plan For The Mexican Border Wall! This Is GENIUS!
WOW! This right here is why this man needs to be President. For his whole campaign, Trump has preached and promised a border wall with Mexico to help alleviate the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico and from other countries trying to get in via that border. Well up until now, Trump has never outlined […]
Muslim Refugees Were Told “You Can Do One Thing…OR GET OUT!” The People Have SPOKEN!
As we continue to get an influx of immigrants and refugees spreading throughout the world, German is taking actions to help mitigate the risk of taking on so many. We should really take notes because it’s possible that Obama bring over more than we can handle before he’s out of office. Germany is about to […]
Obama Released Illegal Immigrants. What Happened Next PROVED TRUMP IS RIGHT!
Many said that Trump’s illegal immigration policy was bogus and that he was only speaking to gain votes with people in southern, border states. This fact will prove every hater wrong. In 2013, President Obama, in his infinite wisdom, released 124 illegal immigrants since 2010. Now, Trump has said that illegals are purveyors of crime […]
Texas Police Captured 3 Illegals Who Did One HORRIBLE Thing That Proves TRUMP WAS RIGHT!
All illegal aliens are criminals. You actually can’t argue that. It’s a fact. “Illegal” means not lawful. Therefore, they are criminals. This is proven more so than ever with news out of Texas where three illegal immigrants were just caught trying to sneak across the border. Now, you’ll hear liberals saying things like, “They were […]
An Illegal Immigrant Just MURDERED Five Americans After Obama SET HIM FREE! WHAT?!
Hey Hillary, Bernie, and all of the GOP, read this and tell me that Trump’s stance on illegal immigration is still wrong. If you do, you’re not fit to run this country. Reports are coming in of an illegal immigrant going on a killing spree, murdering 5 Americans in Kansas. What’s just as disturbing is […]