When you hear liberals talking about gun control, take it with a huge grain of salt. Mainly because they don’t know what they’re talking about nearly 100% of the time. Here’s a great example why. Retired army veteran Kurt Schlichter, silenced every liberal gun control fanatic with his first hand account of “walking through the […]
Is Political Correctness Destroying America? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/is-political-correctness-destroying-america”]
What This Russian Weather Girl Just Said Has ISIS Shaking In Their Boots! WHOA!
Here’s the difference between Obama and his weak administration, and Vladimir Putin and his iron fisted, bombing of ISIS administration. Obama had to go through mountains of liberal BS to even get approval for air strikes in Syria. Putin said, “We’re doing it,” the government agreed, and in 2 days they were bombing the crap […]
Are Politically Correct Liberals Turning Our Kids Into Wimps? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/are-politically-correct-liberals-turning-our-kids-into-wimps”]
Obama Wants Iran To Do Business With Our Worst Enemies. This Has To STOP!
You’re kidding right? This is some kind of sick joke right? Yet again, Obama and his administration fail on a grand scale. After Iran and other wildly unstable countries, like North Korea, there are many that need sanctions to keep them in check. Sometimes even countries claiming to be our allies. This time, I’m talking […]
What Bernie Sanders Just Said About America Proves That He’s A Complete Idiot
I can’t even get over this one and how false it truly is. Earlier this week, Bernie Sanders spoke to a group of college students. Usually, this wouldn’t be an issue, but given that he’s running for president and is tied with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, this deserves some attention because it’s flat […]
Obama Just Ordered A Study That Lets Him Control Your Behavior. This Is INSANE!
Say what now?! How this is even legal, I’m not entirely sure. It may not be legal given how Obama operates. Reports are flooding in that President Obama had issued an executive order to conduct behavioral trials on the American public. How is this legal? Well it’s not like the administration is going to be […]
REPORT: The Liberal Media Is Actively Trying To Bury The Clinton Email Scandal!
Leave it to the liberal media to try an sweep something under the rug when it should be brought to the forefront. According to News Busters, liberal media outlets ABC, NBC, and CBS all gave some coverage to the Clinton email scandal. How much you ask? A whopping 1 minute and 48 seconds, this past […]
Obama Just Blamed Republicans For All Of His Failures. I Can’t Believe This!
Obama has come out against Republicans. This is nothing new, but this time there’s a slightly different twist to his same old rhetoric. Now, our Socialist-in-chief has gone on record saying that Republicans hurt the working American, scolding us for trying to become the party of the middle class. Well, considering Obama and the democrats […]
So Much For The Woman Card. Hillary Clinton Lost A TON Of Women Supporters!
The best news of today? You’ll find it right here in this article. Hillary Clinton panders to liberals. Mainly, she panders to the female voter. This, we know. What we didn’t know, until just now, is that recent polls are showing that democratic, female voters are abandoning her and her campaign by the thousands; and […]