If you’re a conservative and you’re tired of the Republican Party, which is supposed to represent you, betraying you time and again, it’s your lucky day. For far too long, conservatives have had to watch as cowardly, deceitful Republicans promise all sorts of reforms, only to then witness them kissing the feet of the Left and capitulating on major issues.
But the GOP’s days of betrayal are numbered, as the most determined and capable conservative in America has made it his mission to throw out every Republican that isn’t 100 percent dedicated to the cause.
As reported at the Hill, former chief strategist for President Trump and Breitbart head, Steve Bannon, has declared war on the GOP. Starting in the upcoming 2018 midterms, Bannon is looking to unseat every member of the party not named Ted Cruz, saying, “no one is safe.”
Bannon wants to bring down any lawmaker that’s failed to support Trump’s agenda.
“There’s a basic agenda that Trump ran on and won. He carried states Republicans haven’t carried in living memory — Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. This agenda works. The American people voted for it,” he said in part.
“They will take on incumbents in every state, and then they will take on the Democrats after that,” he remarked.
Bannon said the “globalist clique on Capitol Hill” including McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) have to go, because the establishment has “total contempt for the forgotten man and the base.”
It’s been evident for a long time now that those leading the GOP have zero respect for the people keeping the party afloat. They’ve begged and begged for help winning elections, promising all sorts of reforms should they get in power. But no matter how many seats and branches they’re given, the traitors still won’t even repeal Obamacare, much less seriously tackle immigration. It’s maddening, but thanks to people like Bannon, there’s still a chance that the GOP can be a useful tool for enacting much-needed conservative legislation.
Source: The Hill