Contrary to popular belief, Russia is not our greatest ally. Nor is China, Japan, France, the UK, or any other friendly nation that you would come to the top of your head. No. Our greatest Ally is Israel. Oh and Russia is BARELY an ally now, thanks to Obama.
Time and time again Israel has been there for us in wars, societal imbalances, and on a global scale. But Obama has continually put Israel in an awkward spot with his globalization efforts of trying to unite the Muslim with with western society. Israel, who is under constant threat from Islam and its self-entitlement to the Arab world, has been on its own for some time now.
And now, Obama has thrown his hat in with the UN and their anti-Israel resolutions, slapping Israel directly in the face. And Israel says they can prove it.
A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Netanyahu’s government has “ironclad” information tying President Barack Obama directly to the anti-Israel resolution passed last week by the United Nations Security Council.
David Keyes, Netanyahu’s spokesman, said on CNN Sunday that top Israeli officials have evidence that Obama not only pushed the deal to pass, but he helped “craft” it.
“Well, we have ironclad information, frankly, that the Obama administration really helped push this resolution and helped craft it, from sources internationally and from sources in the Arab world, and it’s really an unfortunate legacy, kind of last minute jab at Israel that actually distances peace,” Keyes said.
And What will come of this?
Still, Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will not abide by the resolution and has already started planning with his government how they will respond. They have already summoned many of their ambassadors — mainly from countries that voted for the resolution — including their U.S. ambassador.
And while the Obama amdinistration has not been the biggest friend of Israel, President-elect Donald Trump has already pledged that under his leadership, things will change.
Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) have also said in the days following the passing of the resolution that all U.S. funds to the U.N. should be cut until the international body revokes the anti-Israeli measure.
Damn straight! Obama has the foreign policy acumen of a 5 year old.
See, this is why we need Trump. He’s continually said that he will restore relations with our greatest allies and Israel should be number one on that list. Trump will fix everything Obama has ruined.
(Source: The Blaze)