Trump is making waves absolutely everywhere, taking down his competition and decimating all, even the long-established Clinton and Bush political families across the aisle.
So much so that the latest poll by SurveyUSA shows that not only is he leading over other Democratic candidates, but he’s a front runner for certain voting groups – namely the black vote, which for years has been exclusively Democratic. According to the poll, Trump commands support from over 25% of black voters.
This is AWESOME news!
The American Mirror reports:
When President Obama was running for re-election, despite a sputtering economy that was impacting blacks the worst, Mitt Romney was able to muster only 6% of the black vote, according to the Roper Center at the University of Connecticut.
At the time Obama was facing off against John McCain in 2008, the Republican received a measly 4%, according stats from to the Roper Center.
When George W. Bush was running for re-election in 2004, he only did a little better than McCain. The organization reports Bush received 11% of the black vote, while in 2000, he received 9%.
According to the SurveyUSA poll, Trump would more than double the best result for a Republican in modern American history.
(Source: The American Mirror)