Ever since Hillary tasted bitter and unexpected defeat at the hands of Trump, she’s been drifting along the fringes of the political realm with no real power to speak of. While she still has plenty of lackeys littered throughout the government, she no longer has a fancy title and the power of the State at her disposal.
Her stock has fallen because she no longer has direct control and access to the highest levers of government. The Clinton’s have always sold high-level influence for cash, but now that they lack power, there’s no need for many of their benefactors to continue supporting them. A lot of folks were betting on her presidential victory, and hoping to cash in on their past payments to the Clinton mafia in the form of contracts and influence, but now that she’s on the sidelines, the favors she can do just aren’t as expensive as they once were. Which is why the Clinton Foundation has seen a massive drop in their “donations.”
As reported at the New York Post, for the second year in a row, Bill and Hillary’s Clinton Foundation has seen its flow of donations take a sharp dive. This, thanks to Hillary’s loss and the fear that Trump’s Justice Department will be appointing a special prosecutor to probe the non-profit’s “alleged unlawful dealings.”
Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016, according to the group’s latest federal tax filings which were released last week.
Donations had already dropped 37 percent in 2015, when the organization was plagued by allegations of pay-to-play schemes after a top executive resigned in disgrace.
Last week, the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the Justice Department that said it may appoint prosecutors to examine allegations that millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation were tied to an Obama Administration uranium deal.
While Hillary was Secretary of State, she approved the Russian purchase of Uranium One, a Canadian company with uranium assets in the US. During that same time, many of the company’s owners had given a combined total of $145 million to the Clinton family charity. This, of course, is highly suspicious and is screaming for an investigation. But with all the focus on Trump and the evidence-less claim he’s the one in bed with the Russians, little movement has been made to look into the deal.
Predictably, the organization has pleaded its innocence time and again, claiming there’s no proof of any wrongdoing.
“These recycled claims about the Clinton Foundation being involved in Uranium One have been debunked again and again,” Kevin Thurm, acting CEO of the Clinton Foundation told The Post. “Regardless of the noise, the foundation will continue our work to improve people’s lives and tackle the major challenges of our time, such as the opioid epidemic, climate change, and empowering the next generation of leaders.”
Well, if Hillary and leftists can get on board with and call for investigations into conservative folks that get accused of decades’ old crimes, then surely there’s enough smoke to warrant a look into the Clinton Foundation. Let’s not kid ourselves here, it’s more like a raging inferno over there that the media, and Left in general, have been desperately covering up and ignoring for years. But now, the clock is ticking.
Source: New York Post