By now, we know that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. However, the reason why she won is the exact proof we have the electoral college and is indisputable evidence that America wants Trump.
The electoral college, for those that don’t know, help protect those red states in middle America that, if it was a true popularity contest, would be largely ignored. It’s there to protect people’s votes that are outside of the most populated cities and states. And we now know that the liberals will likely be touting this for the next four years.
But there’s more than meets the eye.
But here’s why Hillary’s popular vote win means absolutely nothing. America wants Trump!
To those unschooled in how the United States selects presidents, this seems totally unfair. But look more closely at the numbers and you see that Clinton’s advantage all but disappears.
while Clinton’s overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton’s huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.
And this is why the electoral college is in place at all.
But California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College — which was designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes. And if California voted like every other Democratic state — where Clinton averaged 53.5% wins — Clinton and Trump end up in a virtual popular vote tie. (This was not the case in 2012. Obama beat Romney by 2 million votes that year, not counting California.)
Oh and here’s what happens if you take California and it’s left leaning liberal yahoos out of the equation.
Number of states won:
Trump: 30
Clinton: 20
Trump: +10Number of electoral votes won:
Trump: 306
Clinton: 232
Trump: + 68Ave. margin of victory in winning states:
Trump: 56%
Clinton: 53.5%
Trump: + 2.5 pointsPopular vote total:
Trump: 62,958,211
Clinton: 65,818,318
Clinton: + 2.8 millionPopular vote total outside California:
Trump: 58,474,401
Clinton: 57,064,530
Trump: + 1.4 million
Hey, Deomcrats, give it up. America wanted Trump and your popular vote argument is now total and complete bulls***.
(Source: Investor’s Business Daily)