While the United States is undoubtedly suffering from the cancer that is political correctness, our European cousins have descended far deeper into the abyss than we have. You may think it’s depressing checking out American news (it is), but if you’re looking for some serious doom and gloom material, just follow the news in Europe for a while.
The continent is mostly in control of leftists from top to bottom, and the results of their insane policies have been nothing short of catastrophic, especially in the long-term. Since the Brits speak the same language, it’s easiest to keep up with their politics. And if you’re someone who does, the latest gambit by their government won’t surprise you one bit, but even so, it won’t stop any rational person from shaking their head in disgust.
As reported at the New York Post, a perfect example of how far the former all-powerful British Empire has fallen can be seen in the kinds of priorities the government is setting. The British Armed Forces, once a world-class military, will be focusing more on NOT using gender-specific words than worrying about how to defend their tiny island nation.
The military’s latest mission will be to avoid using words like “mankind” and “sportsmanship” since they’re just not inclusive enough.
“It’s the daftest thing ever,” explained one soldier, who spoke to The Sun on the condition of anonymity. “We’re building leaders, not politically-correct droids.” I hate to break it to this anonymous soldier, but what our governments have been wanting from the citizens for quite some time is a bunch of compliant, predictable droids.
British Military officials were given the orders recently due to fear that gendered words and sayings, like “forefathers” and “manpower,” might trigger women and members of the LGBT community.
“We are promoting a modern, inclusive, working environment to ensure individuals are recognized and feel valued,” a spokesman, I mean spokesperson, for the Ministry of Defense, said of the orders.
The new guidelines have already appeared in the bathrooms of at least one British base, educating anyone who reads them on what words to avoid and how to go about changing one’s gendered speech habits.
“We should be spending more time on tactics than worrying about the niceties of modern language,” said one Army source.
Instead of saying things like “Chap” or “best man for the job,” military brass ask that soldiers use gender-neutral terms such as “person” or “people, folks and friends.” They also suggest using “fairness” when referring to sportsmanship.
“Inappropriate language is a real problem,” explained another Army source, who supported the new guidelines. The new policy is thanks to the oh-so-important Joint Equality Diversity and Inclusion unit, which, yes, is a real thing, not some made-up parody name.
It’s no wonder the British are a joke militarily these days. But then again, it’s hard to criticize them when leftists are clawing tooth and nail to undermine America’s armed forces with this trash as well. We’re not far behind them when it comes to the cancer of political correctness, the only difference is that we’re still extremely powerful. If the scourge isn’t taken care of, we’ll be joining our British friends in irrelevancy as well.
Source: New York Post