The last few years have seen anti-cop sentiment rise to unprecedented heights in America. Thanks to the violent, left-wing Black Lives Matter movement, and their enablers in the media being a police officer has never been more difficult.
The rampant politicization of every action they take and unfounded accusations of racism are now an everyday part of the job. While one would think that these increasingly unfavorable career conditions would be turning folks away from pursuing a job in law enforcement, a new study has revealed that America’s kids still think it’s meaningful profession.
As reported at the Ladders, the YouTube videos and other media kids consume have incredible influence on their career ambitions, even more than their parents, at least according to a new survey conducted by Fatherly and New York Life survey of more than 1,000 children under the age of 12 found. Most surprisingly, however, is that despite all the anti-cop propaganda littering media these days, kids still chose the career ahead of being a professional athlete.
The survey found that for today’s kids, the movies, television, and online video streaming sites they watch have more influence on their career choices than personal passions, parents, school, and books do.
Experiences, sports, and video games were the influences with the least power on shaping what a child wanted to be when they grew up.
Hearing this may send shivers up your spine, seeing how it’s difficult to control what kids watch and access 24/7. Also, just the notion that a parent and school are having less of an impact on kids’ decisions than YouTube is very frightening, considering the garbage that litters the site’s frontpage on a daily basis.
While the survey’s results are a little disheartening, one of the most interesting revelations can be found in the career choice rankings. Back in 2015, “athlete” unsurprisingly topped the list. However, this time around, it fell all the way to 8th place. Meanwhile, “police” shot up as a choice to No. 3, having been No. 10 previously.
“For boys, athlete still ranks as the third most popular dream job, but it doesn’t even crack the top ten for girls,” Fatherly writes. “The star power of athletes doesn’t seem as overwhelming as it did a few years back. Whether or not that’s a product of timing — it’s been two years since the last Olympics — the politicization of some sports figures, or harder to track cultural trends is unclear.”
With kids being so influenced by what’s around them, it’s a little surprising to see them choosing “police” at such a high frequency. It goes to show you that even kids pick up on some of the nuances in media, as during all this anti-cop propaganda, we’ve also seen the sharp rise in the politicization of sports, especially the NFL. So maybe they’ve noticed this trend as well and responded accordingly.
It’s hard to know what exactly’s been influencing them to cause such a change, but what the results reveal is that there’s still hope for America, and it lies with its children.
Source: Ladders