The refugee/immigrant/immigration issue is coming to a head and the liberals are up in arms about the executive order President Trump handed down. Now Americans feel safer, but everyone on the left seems to thin that allowing in potential ISIS sleeper cells is more important than the safety of those in the country.
So what happens when one of these leftist yahoos goes on Tucker Carlson’s show to debate the Trump order? He gets blasted with facts and looks like a fool.
Mark Hetfield, CEO and president of HIAS, a pro-refugee group, went on to speak with Tucker and was absolutely destroyed. Tucker came with reason and facts to back up why Trump did this. Hetfield’s argument? We are obligated to let people in.
This man is delusional. Watch Tuck school him on TRUE American values.
On “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Hetfield said that the travel ban does not represent “American values.”
He argued that we’re “turning our back” on refugees, and we have some responsibility to protect people who are fleeing for their lives.
Tucker pointed out that there are more than 60 million refugees worldwide, according to the U.N. He asked how we’re supposed to determine what percentage of refugees we have an obligation to help due to our “American values.”
“I’ll tell you what, it’s not zero,” Hetfield replied.
Tucker repeatedly pressed him to explain what criteria we can use to determine that.
“If you’re going to run around with moral statements like, ‘You’re a bad person because you’re against refugees,’ tell me what the rules are, so I can be a good person.”
That last point is especially poignant because this is how the left operates. Their moral high ground and talking down to the American public on how to act is exactly their MO. Tucker shut this idiot down and we applaud him for it.
We need to make sure that the American people are protected and that OUR voice is heard first and foremost, not those who come into this country and expect hand holding. Stop wasting our tax dollars on leechy refugees that contribute nothing to western society.
If you agree, share this everywhere!