Let me tackle something that’s been on my mind ever since the election and the liberal backlash that followed. This one you’re going to want to share because it disproves everything the left is spewing.
According to the news, liberal websites, liberals themselves, and pretty much anyone that didn’t vote for Trump, you’ve not doubt seen or heard that white America voted Trump into office. Also, that somehow every single Trump voter is a racist and that we all hate blacks, hispanics, asians, or any other race other than white people. I’m here today to tell you that, definitively, if you truly think that, you are out of your f***ing mind and you’re the exact reason why Hillary lost (you know other than her being the worst presidential candidate in history).
I concede that racists voted or Trump. To say that racists didn’t vote at all is both ignorant and wrong. But there is an EQUAL chance that racists voted for Hillary. Do you honestly believe that every single racist in the entire country voted for Donald Trump? Remember, people who are outwardly racist aren’t the only one’s who discriminate. Have you ever laughed at a joke about a white person? Black person? Hispanic person? According to liberal logic, and there are liberals who have done that, then you’re a racist.
But what does this have to do with the election? Well those saying that trump won because of white America are not only just trumpeting what they see on TV without looking into the matter, they are talking about statistical impossibilities. If everyone that voted for Trump is a racist, slavery would still be a thing and the south wouldn’t be part of the United States. Yea, there are some people that still wish those things were true, but the number of people that truly believe that is overwhelmingly low. So low in fact that those people wouldn’t have made two-cents worth of difference in the outcome of this election.
So let’s get down to the point here. White America did not elect Trump. Everyone else did.
Blow your liberal friends minds with this. They said @realDonaldTrump was elected by white men. pic.twitter.com/e69iFvW5Vq
— 🇺🇸 ERIC BOLLING 🇺🇸 (@ericbolling) November 15, 2016
So in the millennial generation of 18-29 year olds, a populatoin that supposedly hates Trump, he was up. And in the elderly set, a set that is largely classified as backwards, old, and racist, he was down. So much for that logic holding up. And then you see he was up 7% with Black Americans. Up 8% with Hispanic Americans. Up 16%(!!!) with those under $30,000 in annual income. Literally every demographic that typically votes Democrat were up on Trump vs. 2012. That’s absolutely staggering.
Now above I didn’t even go into the differences of gender on this vote, but those stats speak for themselves. More women voted for Trump than they did for Romney in 2012. In fact, if you think that those numbers are biased or nonfactual in any way, why don’t you go an do what practically zero liberals do in the first place and research the demographics of the election. I have and here they are directly from the New York Times, a far left leaning publication. They match up. And if you look at those numbers, nearly every single category has an increased for Trump compared to 2012.
Trump wasn’t elected by white men or women, Trump was elected because Obama and the Democrats promised change with their mouths that their policies couldn’t cash. It was governmental failure on the grandest of scales and people felt disenfranchised because of it. Their lives didn’t change for the better and they rightfully blamed the government for it because that’s what they were told would happen.
When you see or hear a liberal or Democrat saying that racist white people voted Trump into office, show them this article and blow their minds. Everyone was fed up, that’s why Trump won. The fringe, racist right doesn’t speak for us all and to say they do is quite possibly the most ignorant thing coming out of this election. Stop lumping us into the same category and start looking at the facts. It was the DEMOCRATS who helped vote Trump in.
Get over it, you lost. Move on and shut up.
(Sources: Twitter and The New York Times)