In Obama’s never ending war on the country he’s in charge of, his latest actions in the past year of allowing Syrian refugees into the country without being properly vetted is one of the most egregious errors of his entire presidency. It’s been maligned and people are speaking out against it. Now, people are outright rejecting it.
Michigan is one of the states that has been on Obama’s good list because they’ve accepted one of the largest refugee populations in the entire country. Well the citizens of one town in Michigan have absolutely had it with Obama’s anti-American, pro-Muslim agenda and has now voted to put a permanent BAN on all Syrian refugees coming into the town.
The reason why will have you cheering!
A Michigan town has voted to ban Syrian refugees from living there, because they believe the vetting process is not good enough.
The Waterford Township Board of Trustees passed a resolution against allowing refugees from the war torn country to settle in the area, on Monday night.
The vote was specifically against a federal resettlement program for the refugees. It passed with a 7-0 vote.
The result is a surprising one given that the town in North America with the highest proportion of Arab-Americans lies just 30 miles to the south.
To me, that’s not surprising at all. People are seeing what these refugees to do the towns they take over in Europe and the people in Michigan don’t want their communities to be overrun and destroyed by people who shouldn’t even be there in the first place.
In Waterford, the decision came after local leaders began to voice their feelings on an issue that has also been discussed during the election campaign.
Despite the unanimous verdict on the the ban, leaders have said they are open to allowing refugees to come to the town, but only when a process is in place to ensure those coming into the country are ‘adequately vetted.’
And this has been what everyone has wanted all along! It’s not a racist ban, it’s a ban until we can more appropriately identify who has the potential to be a terrorist. When you let in people at will, you put all American lives at risk for an ISIS sleeper to be in their midst.
We salute you Waterford, you are exactly what this country needs more of.
(Source: Daily Mail)
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