Leave it to the liberal media to try an sweep something under the rug when it should be brought to the forefront. According to News Busters, liberal media outlets ABC, NBC, and CBS all gave some coverage to the Clinton email scandal. How much you ask? A whopping 1 minute and 48 seconds, this past […]
Liberal Media
With A Single Tweet Ted Cruz Completely Exposed The Liberal Hypocrisy Against Donald Trump
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) just delivered a tweet that has left every Liberal distraught and broken. Cruz, who, besides being a stalwart conservative, is also a notorious internet troll sent out a tweet on Thursday that finally exposed the Liberal bias once and for all. Breaking: ABC releases video of POTUS promising "more flexibility" w/ […]
The Mainstream Media Says “Trump Will NEVER Win!” But The TRUTH Is…OMG!
As we get closer and closer to the election and party nominations, you’ll be reading an unending stream of garbage that you will unfortunately have to sift through to find the truth. With the Liberal media and hardcore GOP stalwarts running things, it’ll be difficult finding out what’s real and what’s not. Good news is, […]
What Obama Just Said Has Blown Up In His Face! He’ll NEVER Recover From This! WHOA!
Obama thinks he’s bullet proof. He should maybe think again. After Obama told the media that they are responsible for Trump’s uprising to the top of the GOP standings, the media fired back. Now comes even more backlash form the Liberal media, this time from CNN. Jake Tapper, who usually sides with Obama and Liberals […]
When Liberals Tried To Badmouth All Republicans, He Came Out With GUNS BLAZING!
This is just pure awesome! This is why the GOP is the best party! Can’t. Stop. Cheering! Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus is no dummy. He sees right through all the BS the liberal media spews to it’s legions of followers. Well now he’s calling them out. He went on NBC Today recently […]
They Said “There’s No Such Thing As The Liberal Media!” Oh Yeah? Read It And Weep!
Next time someone tells you there’s no such thing as the liberally biased media, you can who them this article. According to new statistics coming from a study at Indiana University, the media has a severe bias problem. And it leans MASSIVELY to the left. We’ve seen examples of this everywhere from print newspapers to […]